Tusken Legends Recruiting(18+)

Hello all,

Tusken Legends is a guild that will be run by a group of 10-15 as a whole to promote activity, discussion, and assist you with your gaming needs. We are running the guild this way so there is always active leadership and someone that you, as a member of the guild, can talk to if you have issues. We have always prided ourselves on helping others whether that be with getting traits for crafting, having items crafted for you, or just being there for the social aspect of this game.

We don’t have a guild fee and we never charge you for any of those traits or sets as long as you have the mats or etc. Even if you don't have mats we will try our best to get you fitted out for combat. In return all we ask for is that you make your donation to the guild or replace mats to show you're appreciation for the efforts put forth to help you.

We also enjoy helping new players and develop your skill set. Future plans will include trials groups, dungeon runs, PvP, raffles, horse races, and etc to promote a friendly and somewhat competitive atmosphere to encourage player growth.

For an invite you can PSN me at HashtagReflex, leave your PSN here, or private message me your PSN if you do not wish to publicly state your PSN.
Edited by Hashtag_ on July 23, 2016 3:26AM
  • Garigan
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm fairly new to the game and this sounds like it'd be pretty awesome!
    My PSN is Garigan91
  • Hashtag_
    Garigan wrote: »
    Hey I'm fairly new to the game and this sounds like it'd be pretty awesome!
    My PSN is Garigan91

    Invite has been sent. Just keep in mind the guild chat won't be fully active until Tuesday.
  • Hashtag_
    Starting this AM Tusken Legends guild chat will be in full effect. If you are wanting an invite just let me know. I edited the above information to the more pertinent information going forward in regards to the guild.
  • kishanp2012b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey i am a new player and would love to join PSN killer9761
  • Hashtag_
    Hey i am a new player and would love to join PSN killer9761

    Your invite has been sent and welcome to the guild.
    Edited by Hashtag_ on July 19, 2016 3:12PM
  • pddonahue1
    Soul Shriven
    Is there a specific faction we must be to join? We are looking for a laid back and active guild and yours sounds promising. We play a lot and aren't new to online gaming but fairly new to ESO. I've run guilds and raid teams amongst other things with other online games. Looking to have one that's more family/friend oriented. Any information would be great. Thank you for your time
  • Hashtag_
    pddonahue1 wrote: »
    Is there a specific faction we must be to join? We are looking for a laid back and active guild and yours sounds promising. We play a lot and aren't new to online gaming but fairly new to ESO. I've run guilds and raid teams amongst other things with other online games. Looking to have one that's more family/friend oriented. Any information would be great. Thank you for your time

    We are currently AD but with One Tamriel on the horizon we will open to all factions which will only promote guild activities such as dueling tournaments, 2v2's, and etc.
  • smc2389
    Soul Shriven
    Im interested! New to eso but enjoying it thus far. Psn: smc2389
  • Hashtag_
    smc2389 wrote: »
    Im interested! New to eso but enjoying it thus far. Psn: smc2389

    I'm currently at work but I'll be home around 8am CST and will shoot you an invite.
  • mtang69016
    Soul Shriven
    Would love an invite as well. Started ESO not too long ago.

    PSN: Google__This

    Thanks in advance
  • jiubnerevar
    Soul Shriven
    Inv pls. Psn ID jumbonads
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