Logging into Xbox today to do daily writs and daily sewer missions. I can't access eso plus, says I'm not a member of eso plus.
I've been subscribed a year and was just charged and given crowns on the 9th.
I've hard reset twice with the same issue.
Anyone else having this issue on Xbox one today after the maintenance?
Any tips on how to fix it? Last time this happened I simply hard reset, this time that's not working.
working now. Not sure what was wrong before!
Ok an update. I called Microsoft, guy went through every possible option to fix this. In the end I cancelled and then rebought the sub.
And it still doesn't work!!!
I've been a subscriber since last July. Never had any issues.
The guy said it's possible it's an Xbox dashboard preview problem. I do have preview and had an update last night. Anyone else on preview but still working fine?
This isn't going to work! When i bought the service again it charged me but still shows inactive. I have no idea how to fix this.
Can you guys include those tags to get this to the attention of an admin? Thanks.
In the end I've spent $30 on eso plus since the 8th, and can't access it. I'm supposed to be refunded $15 but this just sucks. Please help! I can't even do proper writs!
Edited by N0TPLAYER2 on July 13, 2016 10:34PM