Hello you lovely ESO addicts

I'm looking for a casual, laid back kind of guild to explore and complete dungeons and trials with, also anything else I have yet to come across.
I'm a lvl 45 Dragonknight with the Daggerfall Covenant that is usually online from 9am-3pm and 7pm-12/1am (unless I have family stuff to do/attend) and love would like to meet new people to just have fun and enjoy the beauty that is Elder Scrolls Online (even when its buggy

I have all DLC and I'm a maxed out Werewolf, so I can infect people for FREE as I dont believe in paying/trading for something thats free in game besides which I like earning my loot. I'm just a old skool gamer that wants to help as many people as I can

Also I absolutely love the Mass Effect series
What I am looking for in a clan;
Calm and down to earth.
Is all about respect, honor and teamwork.
Stands fast, strong and together.
Is dedicated to helping each other.
Does not retreat in the face of imminent danger.
Never, ever gives up.
Da'len: Champion 62, Breton Werewolf DragonKnight, Daggerfall
Talvas: Lvl 12, Nord Werewolf Dragonknight, Ebonheart
Kenna: Lvl 5, Altmer, Templar, Aldmeri
Gamertag: xUniQ SanctumX