Any update on...ANYTHING (notably fixes)?...because they said it was fixed, and clearly it's not.

1) I'm still running into load screens, such as when I run a few meters - and often I get the "usually long load time".

2) The game still frequently lags, or crashes to the home screen.

3) Dungeon Qs still take forever, if ever - because the game usually crashes at some point.

4) When I port to a different area, I'm usually in limbo for a few minutes - in other words, I can't swap weapons, or perform certain functions.

5) When I'm actually in a dungeon, sometimes enemy NPCs are invisible so I'm unable to target them - but I'm getting hit by them.

6) In Cyrodil, there's often a load screen after a wall is repaired; and sometimes the game glitches & players can still run through the wall or door after it has been repaired.

7) Has @ZOS begun drafting their apology to their players/customers for all the ish we've been putting up with?

  • VoluptuousVal
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to know too. I am having all the same problems above. I am afraid to go to Wrothgar because I was stuck there for over a week, before they moved me. I am unable to do writs and it is very annoying.
  • Clockwork_Munky
    Soul Shriven
    Me too took them 7 days to get round to pulling my character out!
  • Unsent.Soul
    Me too took them 7 days to get round to pulling my character out!

    Took them 4 days for me. Just recently I've lost my eso + due to the resub issue. One thing after another. Their complete silence is understandable, I guess you get a "were looking into it" post but what would they really say? They have to know the state of the game is almost unplayable.

    In 6 months, if they just keep pushing out dlc and store items, I'm curious if they will just let the core of the game burn while they take every chance at last ditch cash grabs before the ship completely sinks

    We all had fun, at times, it's thoroughly fun really. Just don't like how things have just become worse
  • Elsonso
    I noticed they stopped talking about their top priority, Cyrodiil lag.

    I fear they have decided it is as good as it is going to get.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Zeddakis
    I fear there are a lot of issues in the game that are as good as they are going to get at this point, i.e. issue with partial stacks in bank, characters unable to load, and ESO Plus issue.

    I use to have a person at work who would always say how hard they were working, and how the project was a top priority, but never seemed to produce any results. I fear this is a similar situation with ZOS.
  • jaymati
    Thing is imo even if the consoles are more limited than pc (ram beeing the main suspect here) i think the problem is on their end ,I have seen consoles handle mmos before such as ff xiv and never winter and those games run fine granted they might not be as demanding as eso but is eso really that demanding than this consoles can't handle it? Or perhaps is a servers issue? Idk its anyones guess at this point since i don't think they even know. It's a shame cuz this is a good game but oh well , I canceled my eso plus, no point paying for dlc I can't enjoy, I dont even pvp anymore...
    Edited by jaymati on July 17, 2016 11:48PM
  • Methadone_Man
    The fundamental problem is that there is no beta testing (public test server) for consoles. The new content is beta tested on PC PTS, and modern PC hardware has leaped ahead of the the specs that make up our Xbox One. Hence, the PTS doesn't gonna discover bugs that will pop up for us Xbox players. It can only uncover things like skill or class balance issues.

    The PC and console version are really two separate games, although they treated it as one. And since their entire release philosophy is built on this faulty foundation, they will have more and more bugs as each DLC is released. They cannot fix the system when the foundation and framework are faulty. It's like trying to get to your destination with the wrong map.

    The only hope we have is perhaps this dying xbox version will hang on until until October 28. Then we can just go play Skyrim and leave this mess for good. It's their financial loss, really.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
    What they NEED to do is devote ALL their manpower to resolving these issues instead of working on more content, which will no doubt only produce MORE ISSUES!!

    I think it is utterly appalling that they have new DLC almost ready to release when the content currently available is quite literally UNPLAYABLE!!

  • Jayne_Doe
    I would hope that they have some sort of internal testing on consoles for new content. If not, they really should. Just because something works on PC doesn't mean it will automatically work on console.

    They mentioned that the current problems are due to memory. So, they have to figure out ways to improve the way the console versions handle things like character data. Asking us to abandon the majority of our quests to just a few indicates to me that character data uses a lot of memory. I recall back when Orsinium launched, the load times increased significantly on both PC and console. They said the issue had to do with the number of quests a character had completed. They didn't entirely fix the issue, as load times are still longer than they were prior to Orsinium, but significantly less than they had become at it's launch.

    So, I will try to be patient as they work to fix this, but it's hard for someone who's been around since the beginning on PC and who has seen so many problems introduced with each update, and only part of them get fixed while there are still bugs since the beginning that seemingly will never be fixed.

    Bottom line - I still want to play this game, but it's become increasingly difficult to do so or even to want to do so.
  • Clockwork_Munky
    Soul Shriven
    I'm pretty sure they're doing nothing and hoping the increased specs of the Xbox one s will sort everything out so they can just say it's an Xbox one s game now. Meh, it was fun while it lasted. This is the future of gaming unfortunately games released at full price that are pretty much still in beta. It's infuriating but it's what we can expect from all releases in the future. I mean we can look back at skyrim with rose tinted glasses but I remember that had tonnes of bugs at release. I had one save rendered unplayable because of a quest glitching. Don't expect skyrim redux to be perfect.
    Edited by Clockwork_Munky on July 20, 2016 8:54PM
  • AngeISky
    Got my characters moved today at (07/20/2016 02:11 PM)
    Response said:

    I've been able to successfully move your characters requested so you should no longer experience this issue the next time you log in.
    Please be sure to not return to the crash areas as we won’t be able to move you a second time. The highest volume of crash loops we’re seeing are in and around Orsinium and Wrothgar, especially where you pick up and do Crafting Writs.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but this is only temporary.
    We are working on a solution, please bear with us as we work to patch this issue. Please keep an eye on our Patch Notes forum for any updates at

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    This is the only Note on fixes I got..
    Edited by AngeISky on July 20, 2016 9:11PM
    ~ AngeiSky

    °MAIN° Catsulek > NightBlade (ASSASSIN CRIT BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 50 (CP 290)> AD [WERECAT] (°w°)/
    °SUB° AngelSkye > Sorceress (SPIRITMASTER BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 10 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Sha'ala > Templar (DRAGOON OF LIGHT [CUSTOM]) > LVL 1 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Wychblade > DragonKnight (BUILD? [N/A]) > LVL 7 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]

    WEREWOLF LVL "MAX" MSG Me On Xbox for Bites

    Guild: Guildmaster of "Elder ScroIIs Community" Ingame
    Club: Admin of: "The Elder Scrolls Community" Xbox One Clubs
  • Balibe
    I'm pretty sure they're doing nothing and hoping the increased specs of the Xbox one s will sort everything out so they can just say it's an Xbox one s game now.
    In everything I have read it stated games will not run any better on the new XB1S versus the original XB1. It wont even have an SSD like the XB1 Elite. The increased processing power is strictly for the new video support and will not help games. Current games will need to be updated to support the new video .....
  • ScottK1994
    I agree. Bugs have been ridiculous the last couple weeks for me.

    Dungeon queues are usually quick though as a dps. The one thing that's ridiculous is if I'm kicked I have to wait 15 minutes. Sometimes if a player leaves at the beginning of a group we have to wait 15 minutes to find another person.. It's crazy
  • Zeddakis
    AngeISky wrote: »
    Got my characters moved today at (07/20/2016 02:11 PM)
    Response said:

    I've been able to successfully move your characters requested so you should no longer experience this issue the next time you log in.
    Please be sure to not return to the crash areas as we won’t be able to move you a second time. The highest volume of crash loops we’re seeing are in and around Orsinium and Wrothgar, especially where you pick up and do Crafting Writs.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but this is only temporary.
    We are working on a solution, please bear with us as we work to patch this issue. Please keep an eye on our Patch Notes forum for any updates at

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    This is the only Note on fixes I got..

    So ZOS is this your official stance right now to not play the Orsinium DLC that we paid for? If that is the case how do you justify not removing it from the store until it is fixed and working as intended? Also since on many occasions you tell us something should be fixed for us to only find out it is actually worse how will we know when it really is fixed and safe to go back? That is important, since you are telling people if they get stuck again you won't move them?

    I'm pretty sure they're doing nothing and hoping the increased specs of the Xbox one s will sort everything out so they can just say it's an Xbox one s game now. Meh, it was fun while it lasted. This is the future of gaming unfortunately games released at full price that are pretty much still in beta. It's infuriating but it's what we can expect from all releases in the future. I mean we can look back at skyrim with rose tinted glasses but I remember that had tonnes of bugs at release. I had one save rendered unplayable because of a quest glitching. Don't expect skyrim redux to be perfect.

    It has nothing to do with hardware.

    Seems to me like the game is leaking memory. Not sure if it's done in C or C++ but someone isn't using their malloc/free or new/delete properly.

    Perhaps they need to take a good look at their data structures and the algorithms that traverse them. I'm guessing that if that's the problem then a fix will take quite some time depending on how tight the coupling is between data and logic.

    Perhaps there is too much redundant data being passed over the network and a lot more work needs to be done client side?

    What ever the problems are, I just really hope we get a fix.

    Things need to be in the fashion of CDPR with the way they are handling Cyberpunk 2077. ie : It'll be ready when it's ready. No release date or even a vague timeframe. Get your game RIGHT before you release to paying consumers. All it takes is one class action suit against a developer (because honestly, there isn't another consumable product that could possibly get away with failing to provide to their customers the way games do) and we will see a shift in the attitude of developers releasing unfinished work in time for seasonal spikes.

    I want this game to work. I am hoping so much that things get resolved. But until I see some results I will remain sceptical of it all.
  • Malsidius
    It seems people are becoming jaded, and rightfully so. Dealing with all of these issues should not feel normal. I've actually grown accustomed to waiting a few minutes before moving when I queue into a dungeon because everything needs to load - thought that's what loading screens were for; I guess the solution to the long loading screens was to shorten them so I can watch my character and the world around me load instead.

    The consensus is that the players want the old content to be fixed before adding more new content.
  • BlackguardBob
    I don't visit here often but looking at all the different threads I can see on one screen page, you'd think that ESO:TU had been launched last week never mind last year judging by all the bug reporting and general discontent.

    I remember very well about this time last year how bad ESO was insofar that you could not log in to it easily and staying in for longer than 20 minutes was miraculous. It was like that for months before it got fixed but then here we are again.

    Meet the new problem: same as the old problem.
  • alexkdd99
    Lol fix it in a timely manner. Like the over 1 month that has already passed. This is ridiculous that they tell you not to do writs, or atleast they might as well be saying that since they tell you to avoid the place where you pick up an drop off writs in order to not lose your character. Instead of fixing what is already broken we get more crown store garbage. Stop trying to sell me more crap when I can't use what I have already paid for. If it was not for the craft bag I would not subscribe just out of spite.
  • Surgee
    ZOS excuse to not release patch anytime soon is Microsofts patch policy, testing etc. I find it BS. Ark: SE releases a patch almost every week, sometimes even more often. ZOS are just damn lazy and have no idea what they're doing. Another option is that console versions have 2-3 junior coders working on it :|
    Edited by Surgee on July 24, 2016 12:12PM
  • brandonv516
    Just realized number 4 is the exact problem I have.
  • Malsidius
    The qualm that I have is that they literally said they fixed these issues earlier this month, but nothing was fixed. They went from indicating that they knew of some of the ongoing issues, then they addressed them (all of mine) and announced that the problems were resolved.

    Now they just blow us off w/ automated responses to tickets - then they have the nerve to follow up with a survey!!!

    I really want to like this game, and I still do - but @ZOS is making it a struggle.
  • Zeddakis
    I think it is time for us Xbox owners to start looking at some options like contacting State Attorney General Offices that worked well when someone did it to Star Citizen. Maybe contacting a law firm that has handled class action classes against gaming companies. I know there was one against EA a while back, because I got something out of it.

    I mean they are selling content in their store that they know is not working right now and also telling people who have purchased it not to play it. Hard to defend that. I am starting to doubt they are even going to fix the issues at this point.
  • Methadone_Man
    Malsidius wrote: »
    The qualm that I have is that they literally said they fixed these issues earlier this month, but nothing was fixed. They went from indicating that they knew of some of the ongoing issues, then they addressed them (all of mine) and announced that the problems were resolved.

    Now they just blow us off w/ automated responses to tickets - then they have the nerve to follow up with a survey!!!

    I really want to like this game, and I still do - but @ZOS is making it a struggle.

    Yes, their survey request is really funny. I actually answered one of them, stating that they did a poor job. I highly doubt they look at their survey answers either.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • DracoBeowulf
    Still having all the issues here as well. Can not play more than 20 min at a time without being booted. Sucks. When i get booted so does my wife and vise versa.

    100+ mb connection.

    I just really want to play. Hard when constantly getting booted and having 3 kids lol. My time is very important to me.
    Xbox One Gamertag: WITHGODNOW
    Xbox One Guild: TheTRINITY
    send friend request and message to be included in pve & pvp events
  • Malsidius
    Zeddakis wrote: »
    I think it is time for us Xbox owners to start looking at some options like contacting State Attorney General Offices that worked well when someone did it to Star Citizen. Maybe contacting a law firm that has handled class action classes against gaming companies. I know there was one against EA a while back, because I got something out of it.

    I mean they are selling content in their store that they know is not working right now and also telling people who have purchased it not to play it. Hard to defend that. I am starting to doubt they are even going to fix the issues at this point.

    Perhaps it would be advantageous to contact our respective banks to file a claim for services not rendered. Notably, for those of us who are subscribed to ESO plus. But in all honesty, I wouldn't want to advocate a negative impact on the company's finances - which is why I'm considering taking a break from the game for awhile until I know all the bugs have been worked out.
  • Sleep724
    I'm pretty sure they're doing nothing and hoping the increased specs of the Xbox one s will sort everything out so they can just say it's an Xbox one s game now. Meh, it was fun while it lasted. This is the future of gaming unfortunately games released at full price that are pretty much still in beta. It's infuriating but it's what we can expect from all releases in the future. I mean we can look back at skyrim with rose tinted glasses but I remember that had tonnes of bugs at release. I had one save rendered unplayable because of a quest glitching. Don't expect skyrim redux to be perfect.

    It has nothing to do with hardware.

    Seems to me like the game is leaking memory. Not sure if it's done in C or C++ but someone isn't using their malloc/free or new/delete properly.

    Perhaps they need to take a good look at their data structures and the algorithms that traverse them. I'm guessing that if that's the problem then a fix will take quite some time depending on how tight the coupling is between data and logic.

    Perhaps there is too much redundant data being passed over the network and a lot more work needs to be done client side?

    What ever the problems are, I just really hope we get a fix.

    Things need to be in the fashion of CDPR with the way they are handling Cyberpunk 2077. ie : It'll be ready when it's ready. No release date or even a vague timeframe. Get your game RIGHT before you release to paying consumers. All it takes is one class action suit against a developer (because honestly, there isn't another consumable product that could possibly get away with failing to provide to their customers the way games do) and we will see a shift in the attitude of developers releasing unfinished work in time for seasonal spikes.

    I want this game to work. I am hoping so much that things get resolved. But until I see some results I will remain sceptical of it all.

    They should hire you to help fix all the bugs.
  • Karivaa
    Zos needs to upgrade their servers so they can handle all of the players who are on. The. End.
  • Jailbirdy
    What they NEED to do is devote ALL their manpower to resolving these issues instead of working on more content, which will no doubt only produce MORE ISSUES!!

    I think it is utterly appalling that they have new DLC almost ready to release when the content currently available is quite literally UNPLAYABLE!!

    "Look honey, I changed the spark plugs in the car!"

    "...but the tires are still flat"
    Disclaimer: The statements and information from this account are for entertainment & informational purposes only. Any interpretation, implied or otherwise does not constitute negligence on any part of this forum posting.
  • Jailbirdy
    You guys do realize that no response from ZOS is coming.

    I am beginning to think that the Communications Department and personnel only post when they don't have offices to clean in the building.
    Disclaimer: The statements and information from this account are for entertainment & informational purposes only. Any interpretation, implied or otherwise does not constitute negligence on any part of this forum posting.
  • Malsidius
    Jailbirdy wrote: »
    What they NEED to do is devote ALL their manpower to resolving these issues instead of working on more content, which will no doubt only produce MORE ISSUES!!

    I think it is utterly appalling that they have new DLC almost ready to release when the content currently available is quite literally UNPLAYABLE!!

    "Look honey, I changed the spark plugs in the car!"

    "...but the tires are still flat"

    Not quite, in this case - the tires are still flat, and they "misled" us about changing the spark plugs.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno - What are some of the issues you guys are having? Consider getting some help from the community. Your user base wants to see you guys succeed, so how about letting us help you so we can enjoy the game we paid for.
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