L2bash bro. All u have to do is gap close and bash those 5 templars J-beaming u from full hp!
visionality wrote: »Not sure what you're complaining about. It's ok if 4 DC jump on 1 AD, but it's not okay if 10 more ADs come by and raze the 4 DCs?
I'm in IC a lot and mostly on my own or with just one other friend, and there is one big lesson to learn: avoid groups with more than 5 ppl cause normally they will be doing all the noob PVP you recorded without any reluctance. It's their only chance to score a point, after all.
And honestly: you shouldn't survive that fight, even with the mindless jesus-beamers. Use your environment, try to interrupt and split your enemies. I doubt you could have gotten away, but playing sitting duck in their middle holding up a shield is not a very good idea.
lol that death seems all your fault, you didn't even try to line of sight, just stood there casting inhale, maybe you should be aware of what's around instead of faulting how others play.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
That 1 AD? He tried to gank me? Oh and he was using malubeth and he wasn't alone as he was part of the pug group with two of his friends coming around just as he died.
I know i shouldn't survive but this clip is everything wrong with pvp, an over performing skill that is being spammed by bad players but it's easy mode. They don't want to make themselves better pvpers because they don't have too they'll just spam the overperforming 'execute' until their target dies.
I mean look near the end, i'm the only one left and one of them pop's the templar healing ult... despite the fact i was literally spamming inhale because just interrupting the beamers actually did nothing because they'd just recast..
Honestly i knew we was all dead the minute they opened with 3x beams and a healing ult. There is so much dmg you can't avoid and so much healing in that group that while aoe caps are a thing there is literally no way to take them out.
Malubeth is similar to old Whitestrake's which got nerfed to ashes.. Probably many of u remember how Whitestrake's made us mad.. U got som1 to 30% hp and boooom 10k shield appeard, now we have exactly similar thing with Malubeth, u bring som1 to 30% hp, u want to start finishing him and booom Malu proc and he is full hp in 2 seconds.. Imo it's even more broken than old Whitestrake's cause it stacks with all healing buffs, casue som1 was genius at @ZOS hause and brought us CP system..
OP had nice 1 vs 1 fight, but unfortunately he faced Malubeth exploiter, he brought him to 15% and boooooooooom it proced, full hp in seconds.. So stop crying that his friends came and killed 1 single AD, evry1 abusing this *** must die..
I saw yesterday templar with Malubeth and Reactive armor, that's broken combo af.. I am skiping all Malubeth users, it's waste of time to fight them, unfair advantage they have and i refuse to use fasalla, durok to counter them..
If you want to win a 4v10 the 4 need to be better players and more organised. Just because you play with 4 ppl doesnt mean you're a better player than any of the people in the other group. It doesnt mean you should have an easy win but the mean aoe caps make it impossible. Heck, you didnt even do any real aoe damage.
Your group didnt do anything right in that fight imo so complaining about not winning is just ridiculous.
You should have went around the corner to get los and maybe go inside some house and ultidump on the entrance or try to kite them and quickly take down guys that overextend. Just standing there feeling sorry for useful because you gonna die is just bad.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »@Zheg !!! Your response is needed here.
That's the last thing needed here
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »You forgot
Bombard Spam
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
That meta doesn't exist on PS4-- least not on PS4 NA.
MightyBantam34 wrote: »Here is a thought have all executes work same as rd then there would be no need for any other abilities , balancing sorted
leepalmer95 wrote: »https://youtu.be/8xendBXWr_w
1. Full hp beamers
2. Max hp sun shield spammers
3. Malubeth Users
4. Mass zerging.
thankyourat wrote: »
Lol you forgot the snipe at the end.
Master_Kas wrote: »Lol that sound of multiple beams. I hear that in my nightmares