Worth crafting Champ160 Gold Gear?

I've been using champ 150 purple julianos ever since the update to v16 came out, and I was wondering if it's worth spending the gold to upgrade my gear to champ 160 gold julianos. How much of a difference in spell crit, spell dmg, and max magicka would it give?
Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • DannyLV702
    You'll definitely want gold cp160 weapons. Purple vs gold is a 200 difference
  • FloppyFrank
    Yeah I have gold cp160 weapons. Just wanna know if it's worth spending all the mats and gold to upgrade my Julianos from purple cp 150 to yellow cp 160
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • wayfarerx
    Are you in PvP or trying for leaderboard spots?
    - If yes, then gold cp160 everything.
    - If no, then it does not matter.
    Edited by wayfarerx on July 9, 2016 4:27AM
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • DannyLV702
    if you're only doing it for pve I don't thinks it's really worth it. I have all gold cp160 sets for myself because I play a lot of solo pvp and I want the best stats I can achieve. It also helps to have a good gold income I guess.
  • bebynnag
    cr160 gold julianus figures are as follows

    688 crit
    967 mgk
    688 crit
    299 dmg

    dont have a piece of V15 purple on this character (edt so im not sure how much of a difference this is compared to your figures)

    because of low tempers i have just taken the head chest & legs 2 gold, i feel as though my MNB is performing better since
    Edited by bebynnag on July 9, 2016 4:32AM
  • FloppyFrank
    So would it be better to spend the gold to finish up my elegant set as I'm a sorc rather than upgrade my Julianos?
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • FloppyFrank
    Thanks for all the help everyone(not sarcasm), but I have one more question. Is it even needed to get elegant swords or is any elegant one handed weapon just as good?
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • josefcifkaeb17_ESO
    It's about the passive I think:

    Each sword increases your damage done by 1.5%

    I was told this damage increase affects spell damage as well, that's why swords are preffered.

    The rest of the one handed weapons has a useless effect for casters:

    Each axe gives your melee attacks a 4% chance to bleed enemies for [x] Physical Damage over 6 seconds.
    Each mace causes your attacks to ignore 5% of an enemy's Physical Resistance.
    Each dagger increases your Weapon Critical rating. (by 2%)
    (つ -‘ _ ‘- )つ ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • FloppyFrank
    Alright, but does it make that much of a difference? Cause I can find like a dagger or axe for 20k but then the sword is like 150-200k
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • DannyLV702
    That's because only swords are beneficial to magic users. Axes and daggers are purely for stamina
  • bebynnag
    cr160 swords are the better option, find a guild that runs sanctum ophidia, i have dropped a LOT of elegant in there (no swords as yet) but ya know RNG!
  • FloppyFrank
    For swords, which trait should I be looking for? I know precise and sharpened, but those are way too expensive, so what would be the third best option?
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • juhasman
    @josefcifkaeb17_ESO @FloppyFrank Elegant jewelery+dual wield on sorc have 1 purpose - overlaod spam. And on overload bar dual wield passives are turnedd off. You're using Your hands as weapon then. So for pure overload spam it doesnt matter what kind of weapon You use just make sure it's sharpened because traits and weapon stats are still working on overload, and sharpened allows to perform the biggest dmg on bosses. Also @FloppyFrank if You dont have enough money to buy those set just go classic willpower jewelery and crafted torug's pact swords it allows to keep proper dmg also especially if You dont relay on overload spam. After some practice You end up doing even similar dmg like on everload spam.
  • FloppyFrank
    Damn this is starting to get really confusing so I'll lay out my whole dilemma

    I'm a sorc dps with like 140k on me right now running cp160 kena set, cp160 willpower jewlery, cp160 gold staff and gold torugs pact swords, and cp150 purple julianos. I want to finish my elegance set as I already have the jewelry, so I just need the weapons. However, I don't know which weapons to get. Some people have told me to get swords cause the dual wield passive gives you bonus damage, while others have said it really does not matter, and like @juhasman has stated the dual wield sword bonus damage passive does not apply while overloading. So I am wondering is it worth it to spend the extra gold to buy elegant swords over like daggers, axes, and maces. I have been getting varying responses on whether that dual wield passive that gives swords bonus dmg applies when overloading.

    And one more thing to add to all the confusion is that right now I have a sharpened elegant sword that I don't know whether to sell to someone who has offered me 350k for it or to hold onto it. And say if I sold it, I would want to buy the elegant weapons with the gold I got from it. Which traits should I be looking for so that I can buy two swords for the 350k; I know precise and sharpened are too expensive so what would be the third best option? Thanks for all the help everyone
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • juhasman
    @FloppyFrank only 350k? On PC EU it's worth 600k+ there was sells for 1M. You can easily buy 2 daggers,axes or maces with sharpened and keep some moenys in pocket after selling that sword.If You want that dual wield only for overload spam then it doenst matter what type of dual wield You're wearing. Make simple test. Wear any swords with having dual wield passives on. Put same skills on dual wield bar and overload bar check tooltip dmg before and after turning overload. You'll see then after turning overload dmg on same skills are smaller by 5%. Also moneys You'll save allows You to buy materials for crafting 160cp julianos with golden enchantments and that will give You like 1k more magicka
    Edited by juhasman on July 9, 2016 7:44PM
  • FloppyFrank
    juhasman wrote: »
    @FloppyFrank only 350k? On PC EU it's worth 600k+ there was sells for 1M. You can easily buy 2 daggers,axes or maces with sharpened and keep some moenys in pocket after selling that sword.If You want that dual wield only for overload spam then it doenst matter what type of dual wield You're wearing. Make simple test. Wear any swords with having dual wield passives on. Put same skills on dual wield bar and overload bar check tooltip dmg before and after turning overload. You'll see then after turning overload dmg on same skills are smaller by 5%. Also moneys You'll save allows You to buy materials for crafting 160cp julianos with golden enchantments and that will give You like 1k more magicka

    Ah, ok thanks for the help. And damn, they sell for 1m on PC EU? I don't know the economy too well, but from what I've heard getting 350k for it on Xbone NA is already a pretty solid deal. Might have to look into that more though
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • Autolycus
    The key for gear is having them at cp160, but not necessarily gold. It won't kill you to run purple gear, but if the setup is right, you'll eventually want to upgrade it.

    Weapons should be gold.
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