I would like to take a moment to offer the developers some constructive criticism. In hopes they will listen and offer solutions and fixes. Before I begin I want to say that ESO is a wonderful game and I appreciate all the hard work that's been put into it. However, there are some serious and not so serious problems. Dark Brotherhood seems to have introduced more broken quests which I was told your aware of by support. Let's fix those, the lag and memory problems before releasing new content. DLC and Crown Store is useless if the game is in an unplayable state. Orsinium for example: Loading screens are frequent, long and sometimes indefinite. Invisible enemies and NPC that fail to load. I'm being killed by enemies that are not even visible. I'm being killed by enemies during loading screens. When the game finally loads I'm dead. Game crashes right as your killing a boss etc... Players are helpless in these situations. The lag and FPS is so bad that it caused me to experience motion sickness and I had to stop playing. It really makes for a miserable experience. These sorts of things take an otherwise great game and ruin it.
Now some not so serious problems. These are just personal nitpicks I have. Why should I have to pay to get unstuck if it's due to flaws in environmental design? Why does my character's face look different in game and selection screen than in character creator? My character looks very pleasant and attractive in creation. However, in select screen and in game she has a line in forehead causing a scowl. The brow looks pronounced and the expression is that of a very angry and annoyed face. Nothing like the character I designed. This is most noticeable in female Bretons as I've spent literally days in creation. Shouldn't we as players get to play with the character we create? (Yes I've tried cheer and surprised emotes after crafting) That's not the problem as many have already suggested. I think there is a flaw with forehead, brows and expression that's out of our hands. Please fix this! Investing money and hundreds of hours into an often pissed off looking character sucks.
On to the Crown Store. Are mounts that actually cost as much as the game itself realistic? This is not a very fair or ethical practice imo. Just my 2 cents or in this case approximately $40.00. I hope with the upcoming Barber Shop you will include better brows, makeup and hair options for females. Some of the hair in preview video looks ugly and strange. One variation looks like a poodle that's owner got intoxicated and decided to experiment. Please make female armor and costumes more attractive. There is no need for political correctness in a fantasy game that we spend our hard earned money to play. Get rid of the unflattering crotch and butt flaps. At the very least give us the option to turn them off like helmets.
I hope that the developers will consider these suggestions and most importantly fix the game breaking and performance issues. It would be nice to get a reply from them as well as read other player's thoughts and feedback. Cheers!