UltimaJoe777 wrote: »I am sure they will eventually fix all gap closers so they are unable to strike an opponent that is not able to be reached without jumping, regardless of elevation, but still able to reach an opponent beyond a bit of a bump in the ground provided they are on that same ground. Teleport Strike is just the first of them to be fixed...
Curragraigue wrote: »Let people gap close up walls and just make the guards inside the keep the indestructible monsters in PvE until the walls are down.
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Curragraigue wrote: »Let people gap close up walls and just make the guards inside the keep the indestructible monsters in PvE until the walls are down.
Once again, why does it matter? They are basically dragon leaping to their death. Yes, they can take a keep at 5AM by leaping over the wall. Whatever. Any time more than 5 people are at a keep the idiot DK is just gonna get melted. It's funny to do once or twice I'm sure. After that anyone doing it is hurting their alliance much more than they are helping it.
Nice to see the OP got killed by a DK for once so he didn't have to make his 54th nerf templar thread of the day.
But you can teleport through walls and doors ...Strider_Roshin wrote: »So a DK can Dragon Leap up a keep but I can't teleport on a rock?
GivvumBoane wrote: »It's teleport strike, not teleport leap. Lol jk, I know what you mean
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »GivvumBoane wrote: »It's teleport strike, not teleport leap. Lol jk, I know what you mean
Technically you DO hop a little into the air just before teleporting...
Easy solution: no more gap closers.
But now everyone with range will have advantage...
Solution: no more ranged abilities.
And since Zenimax is clearly nerfing movement speed( https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/258827/eta-on-broken-movement-speed-has-zos-even-acknowledged-it/p1 ), eventually we'll all be standing still, beating each other with rocks.
Good old fashioned PvP.
ShadowStarKing wrote: »Easy solution: no more gap closers.
But now everyone with range will have advantage...
Solution: no more ranged abilities.
And since Zenimax is clearly nerfing movement speed( https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/258827/eta-on-broken-movement-speed-has-zos-even-acknowledged-it/p1 ), eventually we'll all be standing still, beating each other with rocks.
Good old fashioned PvP.
No actual soultion: discurage the use of gap closer spam and promote more skilled melee combat instead of brain dead spamming.
- makes gap closers have a 25% cost increase after it used within 4 secs
Gap closers can still perma snare you, deal great dmg, can be spammed, and ignore physics and elevation.
What will this do? Make ranged builds and actual playstyle for one right not every build that's viable in dueling and 1xX combat is strictly melee be it magic or stamina magic sorcs and Archer builds suffer in this reguard.
Make melee combat more punishing to get close and more rewarding to be in melee range
Makes the "melee risk vs ranged advantage" arguement valid.
Or delete staffs and bows from the game so we all can be 2h stam vigor shuffle builds or Dw harness healing ward magic melee builds.
Easy solution: no more gap closers..