Should the new Vet Dragon Star Arena have its own weekly?

FeaR Turbo
FeaR Turbo
Class Representative
With the revamp of all Trials pretty much, it safe to say that everyone is super excited.There is a weekly for maelstrom and you can do it anytime during the week. Trial groups are 12 mans and are usually formed by guilds and ran during non work hours. (later in the day). Would be in my opinion that Dragon Star should have it own weekly. Giving Gold items while the chest gives rings. Much like Vmaw. Another topic could be the revamp of selling said items from mail or chest but that is not the topic here. Just a thought!!

Vote and post your thoughts below!

Much Love
FeaR Turbo!
Edited by FeaR Turbo on July 6, 2016 3:29PM

Should the new Vet Dragon Star Arena have its own weekly? 23 votes

Make Dragon Star Great Again. (Has its own weekly)
NewBlacksmurfAenlirGarethjolnirschroed360EdziuFfastylboggieDRXHarbingerRex-UmbraFeaR TurboKr3doMattT1988 12 votes
Keep it in rotation with Trials.
Aimoraalainjbrennanb16_ESONifty2galkodavAlnilamEThe_SaintBucFanJKEKammakaziVipstaakkiEp1kMalwareRedReaver 11 votes
  • DRXHarbinger
    Make Dragon Star Great Again. (Has its own weekly)
    Said this a few weeks ago. Yes it should. Same as maelstrom but obviously it'd need about 1200 slots. Effectively I could be on the same board 8 times and I'd imagine they'd be a lot of others farming it senseless too. Or they could lock it to account over toon.
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  • FeaR Turbo
    FeaR Turbo
    Class Representative
    Make Dragon Star Great Again. (Has its own weekly)
    Said this a few weeks ago. Yes it should. Same as maelstrom but obviously it'd need about 1200 slots. Effectively I could be on the same board 8 times and I'd imagine they'd be a lot of others farming it senseless too. Or they could lock it to account over toon.

    Yeah wish it had its own weekly. :(
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