1. I'm a magicka nightblade and have skills I find easy and comfortable to use, but I'm not very powerful in PvP. What weapon(s) Would you recommend for a NB tank?
2. Is gap closing on keep walls considered an exploit?
3. Is the quest 'Imperial Standard' bugged? Enemies do not spawn at two of the doors.
4. Will this coming console patch fix the lag in Wrothgar?
5. Are any of the costumes being fixed to fit character models better? If so, will older costumes be tweaked or only future ones?
6. Will One Tamriel fix issues people have with grouping for Craglorn and Dungeons? Meaning; will we be able to group with other alliances?
7. Will hairstyles be released periodically or are the Update 11 styles all there will be?
That's all