For those that have played both tell me the truth is PC better than PS4 for PvE

I am not very happy with the PS4 experience so far, but I've only been playing for 3 days. I'm thinking I made a mistake because I came from WoW and I thought for some reason ESO on PS4 would be awesome on my 75" 4k TV and a controller in my hand.

I am thinking I might just go buy a gaming laptop and pick up the pc version. I would love to have addons that show you where stuff is like skyshards and addons for crafting, evaluating my dps and more. There is a lot to love about playing on a huge TV with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard but I'm missing all the things that really make a great MMO.

I don't know if I should stick this out or honestly go buy a gaming computer. Money is not a concern, I just didn't go the PC route cause I already had the PS4 and the guy at the gamestop was bragging about how much he loved playing the game on his, so I bought it.
  • daemonios
    I wouldn't want to play without text chat or certain add-ons, that's for sure. I also prefer having any number of buttons on my mouse and keyboard available to me rather than the quite limited controls of a gamepad. Finally, I think a high-end PC can get better graphics and performance than a console. So it's PC for me.

    Btw, I play on my TV, which is my PC's monitor. I use a corded mouse and a wireless keyboard. Can even play lying down on the couch :p
    Edited by daemonios on July 5, 2016 9:20AM
  • Vipstaakki
    PvE experience on PC is better. Not only do you have text chat you also have add-ons.
    Edited by Vipstaakki on July 5, 2016 9:20AM
  • Smileybones
    Vipstaakki wrote: »
    PvE experience on PC is better. Not only do you have text chat you also have add-ons.

    As expected I would say, console aren't meant for that kind of games I believe.
  • James-Wayne
    PC is Master Race.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

    TENTH ANNIVERSARY - Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
    529 people have also earned this badge.
  • daemonios
    PC is Master Race.

    Oh ffs, don't you start and give us all a bad name. Speak for yourself.
  • Nénlindë
    Edit: Actually don't want to be apart of this thread.. ;)
    Edited by Nénlindë on July 5, 2016 9:36AM
    every time
    nothing ever beats charmander
  • Wollust
    Have only played PC but I can't imagine why console would be better tbh. We have addons (huge improvement of quality of life) and text chat (at least you are getting that finally).
    We can set the computer to much higher graphics than what you can play with on consoles. At least that's my impression from watching youtube videos of console players.
    And keyboard & mouse > gamebad. Personal opinion though. ;)

    On the other hand, there is an issue with a cheat engine. Though we still don't know the extent of it. And probably never will.
    Personally, I've never seen anyone or thought of anyone playing so incredibly good that I would think it's due to cheating. But on NA the issue seems to be more prominent. Or EU players just use it in a smart way. I don't know, don't really care.

    Zerg Squad
  • UltimaJoe777
    ESO is the first MMO I ever played on console. Every other MMO I ever played was on PC. That said it really depends on your preferences. If you're the type that wants as much information on your screen as possible then you are better off with PC and its add-ons, at least depending on the TYPE of information you seek. Consoles have been getting much of what said add-ons offer, but with visual differences. Both PC and Consoles have controller UI in them but only PC has a keyboard and mouse UI so if you aren't fond of controllers PC is your better bet. PC also has no party like Sony and Microsoft to go through for updates so they get patches much quicker than console. PC players also have the luxury of having easy access to PTS to help test new content, whereas a console player doesn't always have this.

    These are a few comparisons you will typically encounter between the 2. For anything else feel free to ask about it!

    P.S. Console Text Chat coming with the next DLC Shadow of the Hist.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • IcyDeadPeople
    I know a number of people play on PC using Xbox or PS4 controller.
  • yodased
    I've played both extensively.

    I find that casual questing and funtimes to be more entertaining on my PS4.

    I also find it significantly easier to turn off and walk away from my PS4 than my PC.

    The community is what makes the game, and on PS4 only having voice coms is tough.

    PC is where my heart will always be. I don't use addons so I can't comment on that, both experiences are pretty much the same as far as UI
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • KingYogi415
    PC is plagued by cheat engine.

    If you ever get into end-game pvp, you will quit from frustration when you realize all the top players cheat.

  • KingYogi415
    If you want your hand held on where skyshards are or when to block, then PC is your only option for now.

    Text chat is coming to console in one month and so will most add-ons eventually!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    1. Don't go buy a gaming PC just for this game. (thats a bad investment)
    2. Depending upon where you game more often, that will determine which is better. it sounds like you don't have a network of friends on the PS4 so I'd develop a network using the forums whichever way you go, but especially on PC.

    -Graphics can be better if you have the machine
    -PTS is available
    -Updates come first
    -Addon support
    -Full options for UI and game as the devs intended by design
    -PC tends to test bugs for console but if you're O K with bugs, dont worry cause they seem to end up on consoles anyways

    -Better gaming network for keeping up with friends
    -Built in Voice chat and soon to be text chat
    -only game-pad support (no keyboard options where PC has both)
    -Limited UI options
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • LordSock
    I started on PC but switched to PS4 due to botting/cheating/exploiting/game bugs. I like having same UI as every other player. It puts everyone on equal ground. I don't mind the graphics downgrade that much and am in a decent guild with a lot of vocal players so I can get a group for stuff fairly easy.

    Also text chat coming to console :) so easier pickup groups.
    Edited by LordSock on July 5, 2016 7:17PM
  • badmojo0777b14_ESO
    PC experience and control is far superior on PC but the PC is also vulnerable to cheat engines making PVP flawed by mass exploitation. i hope ZOS is working on a solution to the cheat engines
  • KingYogi415
    Going for strictly PvE and smoother graphics= PC

    Anything more= Console
  • GreenhaloX
    I've play games both on PC and consoles. Not saying it's any favorable than PC, but just for me, I find it more easier with console and controller. I've had PS since PS2. PS4 and all the previous console version have been great. Really don't have much complaints with tech or customer supports from PS or Sony. I usually get a feedback from them within 24-48 hours. I also enjoy the view on a bigger screen HDTV versus the smaller PC screen. I know you can hook up much larger monitor or screen to the PC, but I'm not a fan of being so close right in front of the PC screen. Maybe why a lot of IT people wears glasses.. sorry, stereotyping, maybe.. Lol! Also for me, using a controller is a bit easier with hand and fingers coordination than one hand on a mouse and the other on the keyboard. I don't text chat much, but definitely typing via a keyboard is much more advantageous than trying to type with a controller. The other thing for me is which is better to have PS4 is I can do stuff on the internet or online schoolwork via my laptop while playing the game on PS4 and TV.
  • Azoryl
    Buy a PC that you can hook up to your TV...

    Best of both worlds.....
    I played PC from beta till thieves guild then i jumped to PS4.

    PS4 is alot better community wise as in friendly people who are always keen to do the content(trials,dungeons and so on) but because there are so many players on it it runs really badly compared to PC.
  • Divinius
    I literally would not play this game without my PC addons.
  • FortheloveofKrist
    I played PC for about a year before PS4 launch. So I've played each about a year of pretty much nonstop play.

    It's true, PC has the addons and better graphics (given the right setup). PS4 generally feels more casual, so exploring is more fun on PS4. I don't miss the addons, to be honest; you get used to not having all the extra info.

    But if you're more hardcore and need the additional information, or if you're really into the trading aspect of the game, then PC is the way to go. More chance to interact with others, addons for trading and other stuff.

  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    I have played both on PC and PS4 OP. What specifically do you want to know about? Your original post sounds more of a roll of the tongue rant, so I am not sure what you are asking us about specifically between both versions.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on July 6, 2016 2:44PM
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