I am not very happy with the PS4 experience so far, but I've only been playing for 3 days. I'm thinking I made a mistake because I came from WoW and I thought for some reason ESO on PS4 would be awesome on my 75" 4k TV and a controller in my hand.
I am thinking I might just go buy a gaming laptop and pick up the pc version. I would love to have addons that show you where stuff is like skyshards and addons for crafting, evaluating my dps and more. There is a lot to love about playing on a huge TV with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard but I'm missing all the things that really make a great MMO.
I don't know if I should stick this out or honestly go buy a gaming computer. Money is not a concern, I just didn't go the PC route cause I already had the PS4 and the guy at the gamestop was bragging about how much he loved playing the game on his, so I bought it.