How can I improve my trials DPS? My parse on the final boss of nSO was 11.5k. My bars are:
Dual Wield (Main bar):
Venemous Claw
Blood Craze
Trap Beast (Will morph into Rearming Trap once leveled)
Flames of Oblivion (For crit buff and damage)
Ulti: Flawless Dawnbreaker (for weapon damage buff)
Bow (Back bar):
Poison Injection
Endless Hail
Noxious Breath
Igneous Weapons (Don't really use in trials as other DKs buff the group with this and Minor Brutality)
Expert Hunter (Crit buff)
Ulti: Standard of Might (I use this as soon as I hit 250 ultimate)
My gear is currently:
2pc Engine Guardian
5pc Hunding's Rage
3pc Agility (2 axes, one necklace)
3pc Flanking (2 rings, one bow; I use this as I haven't found a suitable weapon and jewelry set alternative that I have access to right now)
My rotation is Poison Injection>Endless Hail>Noxious Breath>Venemous Claw>Blood Craze>Trap Beast> Flames of Oblivion> Flurry (Medium weave)>Poison Injection. I don't have Caltrops nor do I have a trash bar. I also don't have any Maelstrom weapons. I have 253 CP. What can I do to improve my DPS? I want to get 25k+ without Maelstrom Weapons (I don't have them but I will use my magplar to farm for them soon).