Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

ESO Plus problems (Spoilers: I cancelled my supscription)

This whole game is a mess. I'm done.
I am the real Mudcrab Merchant.
Gamertag - Elder Martin
  • Smitch_59
    Same here. I started an ESO Plus subscription in June because I wanted the crafting bag. It was great, I really liked it. But when my sub renewed yesterday, I lost access to the ESO Plus perks in game.

    So after spending 45 minutes chatting and troubleshooting with Xbox Support, they cancelled my sub. I will NOT be re-subscribing. It's not worth the aggravation.

    ZOS, you just lost an ESO Plus subscriber.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • FrozenNord
    My day job is actually coding. And problems like this are never intentional and they're always infuriating to fix because they tend to be pretty stubborn. It takes a lot of trial and error to even figure out what could be causing it. It's really a severe overreaction to "give up" on it. There was a very good suggestion for reducing this problem that was made that ZOS now knows about so they can consider it.

    I did actually cancel my subscription over this myself. However, I fully intend to re-enable it not long after my existing paid time expired just because I had an entirely unrelated problem, that was on Microsoft's end, not ZOS's, of my charge date being three weeks out of sync with my renew date and I need my charge date to be at the beginning of the month. So I will renew in the first few days of August. This issue aside, which they are trying very hard to fix, I am very, very happy with the subscription. It's WAY better than what they had in the original incarnation of the game before it switched to free-to-play. Because of the crowns alone, it doesn't feel like you are wasting your money if you don't play much a particular month because you get an equal value of crowns. And the crafting bag is worth it alone.

    I understand your frustrations, but really you should consider taking a breather and wait to see what ZOS can figure out for a more permanent solution. They don't like this problem anymore than the rest of us. It hurts us all and they will do their best to fix it. Debugging is very difficult even with loads of experience and it takes time to get a solution that works. You need to be patient.
    North American Server - Xbox One | GT: Frozen Nord | ESO Plus
    Amara Marane | Breton | Female | Sorcerer | Destruction Staff | Light Armor | Daggerfall Covenant
    Lyra Aranni | Bosmer | Female | Nightblade | Bow | Medium Armor | Aldmeri Dominion
    Lucan Larius | Imperial | Male | Dragonknight | One Hand and Shield | Heavy Armor | Daggerfall Covenant
    Almalyra | Dunmer | Female | Nightblade | Dual Wield | Medium Armor | Ebonheart Pact
    Argues-with-Trees | Argonian | Female | Templar | Restoration Staff | Light Armor | Ebonheart Pact
    Lugdulg Logob | Orc | Male | Dragonknight | Two Handed | Heavy Armor | Daggerfall Covenant
    Dar'Saddha | Khajiit | Male | Nightblade | Dual Wield | Medium Armor | Aldmeri Dominion
    Arlia | Altmer | Female | Sorcerer | Destruction Staff | Light Armor | Aldmeri Dominion
    Baral Aldwyr | Redguard | Male | Dragonknight | One Hand and Shield | Heavy Armor | Daggerfall Covenant
    Haknir the Strange | Nord | Male | Dragonknight | Two Handed | Heavy Armor | Ebonheart Pact
  • Smitch_59
    If ZOS fixes the problem, and if it becomes clear from these forums that the problem gets fixed, then I will probably re-subscribe. Until then, I will rely on mules to carry my excess inventory.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
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