i went on a vacation. was nice. rain sun rain sun rain rain rain for a week.
i came back like 1h20 ago before writting this post.
made a coffee turned on my pc went in TESOU.... and i left 1hour later.
i realised this game has no interests. i tryed to get a group, to burn my rested exp, for 20 minutes on a level 50 430cp temp healer and nothing came up in zone, tryed group finder for 30 minutes no results. then i moved on my grind char and went in my favorite spot.....10 people competing against each other for 100 exp some going clockwise, some going counter clockwise in the same pathing of the previous group. while others just spam LFG in zone chat but wont group because they preffer to play solo to not lose any exp to the other 9 players in the zone that are still taking their share of exp while running around with showers of endless hail following them while they spam liquid lightning and lightning bolt....
i wondered about where the game is going... its insane how fast a brain can evaluate things..... and for me the game is going in the crusher.
this game has lost its shine for me. no cooperation, no social life because soloing trash is the absolute goal in the game. raiding in TESOU is easyer than making a real instance. christ SO vet takes 45 minutes and you only die if you actually go in front of the boss and take a hit. finding a group in here is harder than trying to turn on the light. WORST if you find a grind group you are not allowed to group upwioth a 2man group. you are only allowed to run next to them because they wil lose 20% if they group with you... [Snip] KIND OF IDIOTIC MENTALITY IS THIS?!!?! you;re still going lose exp if i dont group with you! im killing monsters with you so im still taking that 20% exp EVEN if i dont group. dahell kind of turd world perception of mmo gaming is this?!?!?
this game shouldnt even be considered a MMORPG because REAL mmorpgs includes grouping to accomplish hard things.
this game should simply be labeled as EMSGMORPG Easy Mode Seldom Groupmode Online Role Playing Game.
[Edit to remove censor bypass.]
Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on July 2, 2016 9:30PM