Can you remove the link between the passive skill line and the story quests? Ie;
Like you need to have _____ skill level x to do story quest number y from DLC? This is downright annoying cos I DONT like theiving and DONT like DB. I DO however want to experience the awesomely thought out story (i think cos I havent done it). I cant because im forced to go to the bounty board to re-do nonsensical contract quests and other random crap I have no interest in doing. I just want to do the TG/DB quests and call it quits and never enter hew's bane/abbah's again.
And no. Leaving it this way wont make me do the skill grinding quests. Ive just resorted to avoiding DB altogether. I forced myself to do the TG grind quests once on my main... But no way am I doing it again. Right now im an ESO+ sub so it dosent matter, but I can imagine others who feel this way and dont have ESO+ would just not even get the DLC.
I see no reason to tie the quests to the passive skill line requirements. Just let the skill line progress naturally by doing DLC story quests to about level 4-5. Then those who want to get to 10 can grind their way through the contract quests etc.
Reasonable or I be crazy QQ?
Edited by Vangy on July 1, 2016 7:53AM (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
(2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
(2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
(1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
CP: 610 and counting
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