14 years ago, a Vah'Shir kitten named Siriana was born in the city of Shar'Val, on the moon colony above Norrath. She spent 5 years adventuring, exploring, fighting and protecting the citizens of Norrath with her soulmate Bettik, and her loyal companion, Spot.
Flash forward to 2016, and Siriana has awoken in a new fuzzy vessel, in a new world filled with adventure and fun and interesting, engaging characters and stories. Her soulmate is here with her, but her companion is not, and he is sorely, sorely missed.

This one humbly requests of the good people at ZOS an Orange Senche Tiger. It can be a cosmetic pet, or even better, a sorcerer pet transmog skin. Maybe even one that has to be earned in Tamriel instead of one that can just be bought with the foreign "dollar". This may not be lore appropriate, but this one thinks it would be very, very cool!

Please help bring Spot home! Here is an old picture of him, in the back, behind the man with the funny looking face!