Maybe you shouldn't focus too much on the Ultimate problem.
Once Werewolf is ready and active, it won't go any time soon as long as you fight.
Werewolf is all about high damage. it's like Overload spam just twice as dangerous with CC
If you kill things fast, then you don't need to fight long and this means you need less regen. Just my opinion.
Molag_Crow wrote: »Maybe you shouldn't focus too much on the Ultimate problem.
Once Werewolf is ready and active, it won't go any time soon as long as you fight.
Werewolf is all about high damage. it's like Overload spam just twice as dangerous with CC
If you kill things fast, then you don't need to fight long and this means you need less regen. Just my opinion.
Good pointshmmm especially in PvP, it's all too quick, although regen can be important if you're trying to heal and break free/dodge roll/CC players who're on you, though you're right, it's just.. transform and KILL fast lol
The reason I go for an ultimate-gaining build is for when I am out of WW form, I can quickly gain it back to get back to WW business
Molag_Crow wrote: »Maybe you shouldn't focus too much on the Ultimate problem.
Once Werewolf is ready and active, it won't go any time soon as long as you fight.
Werewolf is all about high damage. it's like Overload spam just twice as dangerous with CC
If you kill things fast, then you don't need to fight long and this means you need less regen. Just my opinion.
Good pointshmmm especially in PvP, it's all too quick, although regen can be important if you're trying to heal and break free/dodge roll/CC players who're on you, though you're right, it's just.. transform and KILL fast lol
The reason I go for an ultimate-gaining build is for when I am out of WW form, I can quickly gain it back to get back to WW business
Sustain is important when you are against targets that are tanky such as Magicka Templars. Taking them out in 1vx can be quite a task. But since you can break blocks, you might be able to burst them.
I think, once a DK becomes a werewolf, he is much easier to kill. Same goes for any other race.
You loose your class skills and this makes you vulnerable. You have only dodge roll and that one heal. Werewolves are only a threat when they deal damage. That's what I can tell you from my pvp experience.
shadow071179 wrote: »Wait till Aug.
The new Saviors Hide set is great.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »The trick to having a strong werewolf build imo is to actually focus on having a strong werewolf heal which scales off magicka/ spell power, and have decent resistance / health pool, without taking too much away from your damage.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »New WW build. Saviors + Viper + 2 dreugh king sharpened swords with crushing and power glyphs. The 5th perk should have been stay in form for 33% longer though over reduced cost.