YES. Make the fireball hit every 2.5 or 3 seconds instead. Or better yet, make it act like the Templar Flare with a short cast time, so you can fire it with each activation.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »Just press it every 6 seconds, and you will get one fireball every 3 seconds on average. Flames of Oblivion is still the most OP DK attack in the game. Used correctly, it should add 4-5K to your DPS
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »Just press it every 6 seconds, and you will get one fireball every 3 seconds on average. Flames of Oblivion is still the most OP DK attack in the game. Used correctly, it should add 4-5K to your DPS
I'm not sure how you arrived at these numbers but a cursory look seems to suggest that you are pretty far off. I get 5.6k reg and 8.4k crit hits every 5s, but for the sake of clarity lets just pretend they actually hit for 10k. You get 4 proc's per use so thats 40k over 15s which is awesome but in no way equates to 4-5k dps. DPS is damage per Second, at 40k over 15s, you get a 2.6k DPS increase which isn't 4-5k.
However that was with increasing the numbers from actual performance to make them easier to handle. Let's pretend I crit 75% of the time, that's 3 ticks of 8.4k and 1 tick of 5.6k on average. Which would net 30.8k total damage and 2.05k dps. Still a very strong DoT but I don't see anything close to 4.5k dps increase. It would need to be hitting an average of 16.8k per tick to equate to 4.5k dps.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »^ the tool tip doesn't mention the initial cast sets one off and then you get 3 extra casts. It's 4 in total isn't it.
Would Flame of Oblivion be good for a DW stamina build?