Smileybones wrote: »You are not charged anything to play in Cyrodiil, it's in the base game.
Smileybones wrote: »You are not charged anything to play in Cyrodiil, it's in the base game.
(S)he means the monthly sub.
Hadan_of_Rift wrote: »Honestly, I'm tired of being nice... FIX THE *** LAG IN CYRODIIL or stop charging me for a broke unpalyable game. Over a year later and it's the same *** 2-4 second delays on being able to do anything during prime time. (and no it's is not my system or addons). This is ***!
Hadan_of_Rift wrote: »Honestly, I'm tired of being nice... FIX THE *** LAG IN CYRODIIL or stop charging me for a broke unpalyable game. Over a year later and it's the same *** 2-4 second delays on being able to do anything during prime time. (and no it's is not my system or addons). This is ***!
VodkaVixen1979 wrote: »So yea, all the subbers on the forums go on and on about how they single handedly keep the lights on, BS.. yadda yadda. But really they are just enablers of the ZOS laziness, let's not fix this because people are still paying for it hahahahaha.... people should really speak about the crappy state of the game with their wallet, but they need their cute costume and new mount in order to role play out their fantasies, and since they don't actually PLAY the game, they are fine with shoddy performance.
VodkaVixen1979 wrote: »So yea, all the subbers on the forums go on and on about how they single handedly keep the lights on, BS.. yadda yadda. But really they are just enablers of the ZOS laziness, let's not fix this because people are still paying for it hahahahaha.... people should really speak about the crappy state of the game with their wallet, but they need their cute costume and new mount in order to role play out their fantasies, and since they don't actually PLAY the game, they are fine with shoddy performance.
That's a very big assumption that EVERYONE is experiencing problems... but the majority of players, PvE questers, aren't having any major problems. I also like how you appear to make the point that 'playing the game' only applies to people who play EXACTLY like you do... but you forget, this is a MMORPG, so yeah, people here are ROLE PLAYING THEIR FANTASIES because that's what RPG's are for. I'll be glad when some other 'hard core' MMOs come out so players like you can go there instead of clogging the forums with your egocentric views of how the game should be played.