phaneub17_ESO wrote: »They redid the group finding code on PTS, so far its working out but not enough of a pool of players to stress test it enough.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Worked fine for me today. Jumped on my healer and within seconds into blessed crucible with noob level 20s and carried them all the way through with only 2 deaths. No issues on XB EU for me today...
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Worked fine for me today. Jumped on my healer and within seconds into blessed crucible with noob level 20s and carried them all the way through with only 2 deaths. No issues on XB EU for me today...
Yeah it's working for me again on PS4. Crypt of Hearts is still a loading screen filled mess though.
DannyLV702 wrote: »Yeah it's working for me again on PS4. Crypt of Hearts is still a loading screen filled mess though.
@RAGUNAnoOne I guess the problem was specific to the dungeon lol
The thing about waiting for your healer for 1h 30 mins everyday on ps4 is a lie.
I group finder with my healer everyday and the wait is literally 2 minutes maximum on ps4
Definatley an issue that needs an update please. I have no friends.
The thing about waiting for your healer for 1h 30 mins everyday on ps4 is a lie.
I group finder with my healer everyday and the wait is literally 2 minutes maximum on ps4
The thing about waiting for your healer for 1h 30 mins everyday on ps4 is a lie.
I group finder with my healer everyday and the wait is literally 2 minutes maximum on ps4
I get in as tank on xbox eu within 2 minutes every time I join it.
It wouldn't join me in one for volenfell the other day though. Ended up soloing it which was pretty fun though.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
exeeter702 wrote: »Since the recent patch on consoles can anyone confirm the group finder is indeed working?
I haven't had a chance to test it yet but I will do so first thing when I get off work.