Thevorpal1 wrote: »What you talking about Jack?
Since there's plenty of imperials mages (Abnur Tharn) and plenty of imperials necromancers, i think it would be cool if imperials were a jack-of-all-trades race, i mean, they at least have some talent for sorcery i suppose, i don't think that would be lore breaking, we can do this by simply making these changes:
Shield affinity/Diplomat/or whatever the name is (Increases experience gain with one-handed and shield by 15%) -> War affinity/Weapon affinity/Diplomat: Increases experience gain with all weapons by 2.5% (or 3%) (this includes one-handed and shield of course) // increases 2.5% because 15%/6 (6 types of weapons) = 2.5%
Tough: increases max HP by 4/8/12% -> increases max HP by 4/7/10%
Conditioning: increases max Stam by 4/7/10% -> remains the same
Red diamond: gives your melee attacks a 10% chance to restore X/2X/3X Health -> (new name): increases max Magicka by 4/7/10%
who is with me?
If you don't want to play with a certain race then don't. Why is it such a big deal to change everything? You want to play as a nord then play as a nord don't start complaining about how it isn't as good as another race YOU chose it no one forced you to. (Just using nord as an example nothing more). Too many whiners.
If you don't want to play with a certain race then don't. Why is it such a big deal to change everything? You want to play as a nord then play as a nord don't start complaining about how it isn't as good as another race YOU chose it no one forced you to. (Just using nord as an example nothing more). Too many whiners.
If you don't want to play with a certain race then don't. Why is it such a big deal to change everything? You want to play as a nord then play as a nord don't start complaining about how it isn't as good as another race YOU chose it no one forced you to. (Just using nord as an example nothing more). Too many whiners.
have you ever heard about a word called "efficiency", what about "worth it"? Well, if you want to play with magicka nord you are being straight up stupid by not taking advantage of the magicka pool that the other races gives, it's not worth it, magicka nord is just not efficient, we all have to pay our bills pve/pvp after all. Also, i know it was just an example, but the nord is really...brute to be a mage, it doesn't fit aesthetically, i don't think people would like to play with a nord sorc and it would be lore breaking, even for RP players i guess...
It's just one passive, Red Diamond, that makes a imperial not worth it to be a magicka user. we, magicka users we can only chose between being an elf, breton or argonian, also, i think imperial sorcs would not be lore breaking, since they seem to have an eye and a finger for sorcery as i said, also, imperials are the only race that we can buy, so i think it would be reasonable if they could fit in many playstyles (without excelling in all and overshadowing them)
Callous2208 wrote: »If you don't want to play with a certain race then don't. Why is it such a big deal to change everything? You want to play as a nord then play as a nord don't start complaining about how it isn't as good as another race YOU chose it no one forced you to. (Just using nord as an example nothing more). Too many whiners.
have you ever heard about a word called "efficiency", what about "worth it"? Well, if you want to play with magicka nord you are being straight up stupid by not taking advantage of the magicka pool that the other races gives, it's not worth it, magicka nord is just not efficient, we all have to pay our bills pve/pvp after all. Also, i know it was just an example, but the nord is really...brute to be a mage, it doesn't fit aesthetically, i don't think people would like to play with a nord sorc and it would be lore breaking, even for RP players i guess...
It's just one passive, Red Diamond, that makes a imperial not worth it to be a magicka user. we, magicka users we can only chose between being an elf, breton or argonian, also, i think imperial sorcs would not be lore breaking, since they seem to have an eye and a finger for sorcery as i said, also, imperials are the only race that we can buy, so i think it would be reasonable if they could fit in many playstyles (without excelling in all and overshadowing them)
Gonna need you to go back to lore class and learn about all the ridiculously op nord mages.
From a gameplay perspective though, yes. Nords don't seem to fit into many min/max metas...if any.