Would you subscribe to a no content account that provides all the perks that ESO+ has?

The model I would like to see is as follows:

Ful subscription:

Just like ESO + right now. You get everything as long as you are subscribed.

Crown Store DLC Purchases:

Just like it is now. You get content but no perks.

Perks only subscription:

Costs less then ESO+
No access to content through this subscription.
All other ESO+ perks provided.
Have it be 50% of the cost of the ESO+ subscription through each payment duration option.
50% of the crowns of ESO+ (6 months gets 4500 crowns not 9000)
Edited by Niastissa on June 26, 2016 9:29PM

Would you subscribe to a no content account that provides all the perks that ESO+ has? 153 votes

DiviniusEthromelb14_ESOanitajoneb17_ESOAnath_QMilvanMoonscytheUzdoDedricustherrieurNiastissaLunchBoxChewyFfastylLlafn_NosBfish22090Solid_Metalelium85NeirymnGreenSoup2HoTPink_ViolinzMerkzM8 29 votes
AzorylKallistaBlackheartvailjohn_ESOShedsHisTailSunraamantvoulub14_ESObloodenragedb14_ESOAnimal_MotheropajAlurriaRDMyers65b14_ESONoaruwenchmore420b14_ESOXionarlolo_01b16_ESOSvenjaWtrengaGigasaxbertenburnyb16_ESOshauny.gibbsb16_ESO 124 votes
  • VodkaVixen1979
  • Smileybones
    Perks are useless once you've levelled up (except crafting bags), only content make subbing worth it.
  • Niastissa
    Perks are useless once you've levelled up (except crafting bags), only content make subbing worth it.

    If you don't mind me asking.

    I have noticed people say that they buy DLC with crowns that they get from subscribing. If you own the DLC why pay the full subscribing price to continue to rent the same content?

    The crafting bag is useful way longer then leveling up.

    If they make non subscriber champion point limits lower then the limit for subscribers that will be useful well after leveling up.

    Keep in mind this is a compromise between buy to play and subscription that pays the company money upon delivery of new content and also gives them some money on a regular basis and still provides money coming in consistently.


    I'm personally disappointed that so many people aren't willing to provide a compromise for people invested in the buy to play segment of the game. If the subscription model failed and the crown store is what kept the game afloat then the buy to play people have kept the lights on. No one is willing to show them love? Really?
    Edited by Niastissa on June 26, 2016 9:44PM
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    But instead of it being $15 a month it should be $13 a month. And if you bought DLC you aren't losing value for subbing. You will gain access to further DLC. Just think of buying the DLC as adding it to the base game and renting all future DLC with the sub.
    Edited by FLuFFyxMuFFiN on June 26, 2016 9:54PM
  • Egonieser
    Let's not overcomplicate things.

    It would be a good idea if the ESO+ cost would be considerably higher than it is now, but as it stands, it's fine as it is.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • Niastissa
    Egonieser wrote: »
    Let's not overcomplicate things.

    It would be a good idea if the ESO+ cost would be considerably higher than it is now, but as it stands, it's fine as it is.

    It was overcomplicated when they started selling the DLC. That cat is out of the bag. No changing that now.
  • Tandor
    I'm fine with the present arrangements, it's now a fair deal for subscribers and a fair deal for those who want to contribute either occasionally or not at all. They've got all bases covered, and no doubt in time the crafting bag will be made available in a limited form to non-subscribers.
  • Abeille
    Sounda a bit like what @Gidorick proposed a while ago. I think it is a good idea, even if I wouldn't use it.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Niastissa
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm fine with the present arrangements, it's now a fair deal for subscribers and a fair deal for those who want to contribute either occasionally or not at all. They've got all bases covered, and no doubt in time the crafting bag will be made available in a limited form to non-subscribers.

    Why can't it be made available without paying to rent the content? Is that not a fair option? Everyone who gets the bag pays for the bag. Everyone contributes.

    Why the need to make people keep paying of the same content? Seriously I want to know.

    It doesn't seem fair that if you subscribe you get access to the content and perks. But if you buy the DLC you don't get the perks. The only way currently to get the perks is to rent the same content. How is that fair?
  • czar
    no. i either want to go back to the subscription model or keep it b2p with microtransactions. i don't like the dual model they're experimenting with right now - they're punishing half of their customers and praising the other half regardless of the amount of money each and one of us has spent on the game. keep it fair and give everyone the same model.
    Edited by czar on June 26, 2016 10:25PM
    stam scrub
  • Averya_Teira
    You know if you sub for about 6 months and don't touch the crowns, you can buy all DLCs with accumulated crowns ?

    So you aren't really renting content... They are giving you the means to buy the content in the end... Not their fault if you blow your 1500 crowns a month on costumes and ***.
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Perks are useless once you've levelled up (except crafting bags), only content make subbing worth it.

    If you don't mind me asking.

    I have noticed people say that they buy DLC with crowns that they get from subscribing. If you own the DLC why pay the full subscribing price to continue to rent the same content?

    The crafting bag is useful way longer then leveling up.

    If they make non subscriber champion point limits lower then the limit for subscribers that will be useful well after leveling up.

    Keep in mind this is a compromise between buy to play and subscription that pays the company money upon delivery of new content and also gives them some money on a regular basis and still provides money coming in consistently.


    I'm personally disappointed that so many people aren't willing to provide a compromise for people invested in the buy to play segment of the game. If the subscription model failed and the crown store is what kept the game afloat then the buy to play people have kept the lights on. No one is willing to show them love? Really?

    If you are so invested in the B2P model, you won't sub for that either... so why bother with you ?
    Edited by Averya_Teira on June 26, 2016 10:29PM
  • RandalMarrs
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.
  • Averya_Teira
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.

    He doesn't even make sense...

    '' I don't want to sub and rent content, I prefer the B2P option....... Here's a new idea for a sub option that costs 7$ less!''

    If you have trouble budgeting 15$ per month for a game, you shouldn't play.
    Edited by Averya_Teira on June 26, 2016 10:34PM
  • Niastissa
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.

    I'm trying to get a discussion going. So basically your mind is made up there is no changing it.

    So be it.

    Disheartening that you feel so badly about the buy to play people. Maybe we should take our money elsewhere and see how your subscriptions work out.
  • Averya_Teira
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.

    I'm trying to get a discussion going. So basically your mind is made up there is no changing it.

    So be it.

    Disheartening that you feel so badly about the buy to play people. Maybe we should take our money elsewhere and see how your subscriptions work out.

    you are describing a SUBSCRIPTION OPTION, why would B2P people even CARE ? They aren't subbing now and won't sub with a new option either way... and a worse sub option at that lol.

    Your ''discussion'' is over before it began...
    Edited by Averya_Teira on June 26, 2016 10:36PM
  • IrishGirlGamer
    Niastissa wrote: »
    I'm personally disappointed that so many people aren't willing to provide a compromise for people invested in the buy to play segment of the game. If the subscription model failed and the crown store is what kept the game afloat then the buy to play people have kept the lights on. No one is willing to show them love? Really?

    I'm willing to compromise. How about this? Maybe ... hmmm ...

    Perks Only Subscription:

    Everything the same as an ESO + only no DLC or Crafting Bag. Cost $4.99 a month.

    There! You have your perks only sub. What do you say?

    Edited by IrishGirlGamer on June 26, 2016 10:38PM
    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • RandalMarrs
    Yes, pretty much the same discussion that has been done to death here but now a new post. And taking your money elsewhere is your choice.
  • Iluvrien
    Niastissa wrote: »
    I'm personally disappointed that so many people aren't willing to provide a compromise for people invested in the buy to play segment of the game. If the subscription model failed and the crown store is what kept the game afloat then the buy to play people have kept the lights on. No one is willing to show them love? Really?

    That isn't the question you asked. This poll asks "Would you subscribe" not "Would you like to see a no content subscription added". You are asking people about their personal subscription habits rather than what they wouldn't mind seeing added as an option for other people. Maybe that is why people are less than forthcoming with their support.
  • IrishGirlGamer
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.

    He doesn't even make sense...

    '' I don't want to sub and rent content, I prefer the B2P option....... Here's a new idea for a sub option that costs 7$ less!''

    If you have trouble budgeting 15$ per month for a game, you shouldn't play.

    I'm guessing he/she just wants the crafting bag. That's it. Because I have the sub, own all the DLC, and the rest of the sub is worthless.

    To that I say, you can get the crafting bag. For $14.99 per month.

    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • Averya_Teira
    Lol, don't bother voting no and giving your opinion why. You will just get an argument.

    He doesn't even make sense...

    '' I don't want to sub and rent content, I prefer the B2P option....... Here's a new idea for a sub option that costs 7$ less!''

    If you have trouble budgeting 15$ per month for a game, you shouldn't play.

    I'm guessing he/she just wants the crafting bag. That's it. Because I have the sub, own all the DLC, and the rest of the sub is worthless.

    To that I say, you can get the crafting bag. For $14.99 per month.

    People seem to forget you get 1500 crowns per month for Subbing. The way I see it, I buy a 1500 crown pack every month and I get benefits for it.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Just so I understand your idea, OP ...

    ... this subscription would include for the perks that current ESO+ players enjoy, includes crowns, but would lock players out of new DLC content. In addition, players would not be able to buy DLC content with the crowns earned while under the "no content" subscription.

    If a player then wants to change to ESO+ or otherwise end their "no content" subscription, what would be the cooling off period before said player is allowed to buy DLC with crowns?

    So far, I don't have any issues with what you're proposing ... but the number of players who would want this and not have access to DLC isn't going to be high.
  • Tandor
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm fine with the present arrangements, it's now a fair deal for subscribers and a fair deal for those who want to contribute either occasionally or not at all. They've got all bases covered, and no doubt in time the crafting bag will be made available in a limited form to non-subscribers.

    Why can't it be made available without paying to rent the content? Is that not a fair option? Everyone who gets the bag pays for the bag. Everyone contributes.

    Why the need to make people keep paying of the same content? Seriously I want to know.

    It doesn't seem fair that if you subscribe you get access to the content and perks. But if you buy the DLC you don't get the perks. The only way currently to get the perks is to rent the same content. How is that fair?

    if you subscribe you only get access to the contents and perks while you subscribe, if you buy the DLC you get the content permanently. Many subscribers buy the DLC anyway with the crowns that they receive for subscribing.The present arrangements are perfectly fair in my view.
  • Niastissa
    Just so I understand your idea, OP ...

    ... this subscription would include for the perks that current ESO+ players enjoy, includes crowns, but would lock players out of new DLC content. In addition, players would not be able to buy DLC content with the crowns earned while under the "no content" subscription.

    If a player then wants to change to ESO+ or otherwise end their "no content" subscription, what would be the cooling off period before said player is allowed to buy DLC with crowns?

    So far, I don't have any issues with what you're proposing ... but the number of players who would want this and not have access to DLC isn't going to be high.

    Not lock. Think of it like a companion to the purchases of DLC. Instead of having to then subscribe to the content you already purchased a license to you only would have to subscribe to the extras.
  • Niastissa
    Tandor wrote: »
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm fine with the present arrangements, it's now a fair deal for subscribers and a fair deal for those who want to contribute either occasionally or not at all. They've got all bases covered, and no doubt in time the crafting bag will be made available in a limited form to non-subscribers.

    Why can't it be made available without paying to rent the content? Is that not a fair option? Everyone who gets the bag pays for the bag. Everyone contributes.

    Why the need to make people keep paying of the same content? Seriously I want to know.

    It doesn't seem fair that if you subscribe you get access to the content and perks. But if you buy the DLC you don't get the perks. The only way currently to get the perks is to rent the same content. How is that fair?

    if you subscribe you only get access to the contents and perks while you subscribe, if you buy the DLC you get the content permanently. Many subscribers buy the DLC anyway with the crowns that they receive for subscribing.The present arrangements are perfectly fair in my view.

    Why subscribe t content you purchased?
  • phobossion
    I wouldn't, simply because I am already subscribed as ESO+ :smile:
  • Taleof2Cities
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Why subscribe t content you purchased?

    There are some players, for whatever reason, that subscribe for one month to play the new DLC content and then unsubscribe when they are done. So, after their subscription lapses they follow up with a crown purchase of the DLC.

    Other than those types of players I agree with you ... it makes no sense to subscribe and purchase DLC at the same time. I believe the crown store UI lets players know about this in case they do try to purchase it (when subscription is active).
  • bareheiny

    But if you were to ask "would you subscribe to a cheaper ESO+ if it came with the current ESO+ perks and DLC access, but no Crowns?" the answer would be


    But that's purely because I'm (probably irrationally) irritated by the PS+ requirement...that tacks an extra $10NZD onto my sub.

    I'm subbed to test out crafting bags...and damned if I'm going to give them up! One less coffee a week shouldn't hurt me. I hope.
  • Animal_Mother
    I look at it this way...

    The price I would pay for 1500 crowns is the same price I would pay for a monthly subscription to ESO. With the monthly sub, I get a whole lot more than just the crowns.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Not lock. Think of it like a companion to the purchases of DLC. Instead of having to then subscribe to the content you already purchased a license to you only would have to subscribe to the extras.

    OK, thanks, got it now ...

    From a player perspective, the looming question is does the "perks only" companion sub give enough crowns to cover DLC?

    The answer is probably yes. They won't tell us what the Argonian Dungeon Pack will cost until it's released ... so for sake of discussion I'm going to assume the same crown cost as Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, 2,000 crowns. That is a generous estimate considering there is no new world zone in this next DLC. So, 2,000 crowns for at most two (2) new DLCs during the 3 month subscription period. 4,000 crowns total needed for DLC and 4,500 crowns available under the "perks only" companion sub. Check.

    So, this might be too good of a deal for players and not a good deal for ZOS. Why? Many current ESO+ players (and potential new ESO+ players) would opt out of ESO+ and use this plan. It is half the cost ... but still gives enough crowns to purchase the DLC without any "extras" such as pets, mounts, xp scrolls, etc. A player could even buy a 750 crown pack, pushing the monthly crowns to 2,250, and only pay 50¢ more versus ESO+. All the while the perks would be included.

    To summarize, your idea could be a good one for players ... but it's a long way to go before: a) someone at ZOS reads this thread; b) idea is considered and approved; c) price point is established - $7.50 per month is awesome but of course the devs have the final decision in that.

    Personally, I'm happy with ESO+. I feel rewarded as a subscriber with perks such as the crafting bag and the new dyable costume features that are coming in Update 11.

    However, that doesn't mean a discussion on other potential non-subscription options isn't suitable for the forums (as some of the above posters seem to think). Especially so for gamers that are on a budget. When you start breaking down the numbers of your proposal, the results are interesting.
  • Niastissa
    Niastissa wrote: »
    Not lock. Think of it like a companion to the purchases of DLC. Instead of having to then subscribe to the content you already purchased a license to you only would have to subscribe to the extras.

    OK, thanks, got it now ...

    From a player perspective, the looming question is does the "perks only" companion sub give enough crowns to cover DLC?

    The answer is probably yes. They won't tell us what the Argonian Dungeon Pack will cost until it's released ... so for sake of discussion I'm going to assume the same crown cost as Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, 2,000 crowns. That is a generous estimate considering there is no new world zone in this next DLC. So, 2,000 crowns for at most two (2) new DLCs during the 3 month subscription period. 4,000 crowns total needed for DLC and 4,500 crowns available under the "perks only" companion sub. Check.

    So, this might be too good of a deal for players and not a good deal for ZOS. Why? Many current ESO+ players (and potential new ESO+ players) would opt out of ESO+ and use this plan. It is half the cost ... but still gives enough crowns to purchase the DLC without any "extras" such as pets, mounts, xp scrolls, etc. A player could even buy a 750 crown pack, pushing the monthly crowns to 2,250, and only pay 50¢ more versus ESO+. All the while the perks would be included.

    To summarize, your idea could be a good one for players ... but it's a long way to go before: a) someone at ZOS reads this thread; b) idea is considered and approved; c) price point is established - $7.50 per month is awesome but of course the devs have the final decision in that.

    Personally, I'm happy with ESO+. I feel rewarded as a subscriber with perks such as the crafting bag and the new dyable costume features that are coming in Update 11.

    However, that doesn't mean a discussion on other potential non-subscription options isn't suitable for the forums (as some of the above posters seem to think). Especially so for gamers that are on a budget. When you start breaking down the numbers of your proposal, the results are interesting.

    I didn't cook out the numbers completely. If the perks only plan had to be a little more to cover expenses but didn't have any fee in place to make people pay for the content twice I think that would be acceptable. :)

    My thoughts are if a player is buying all the DLC some sort of rewards should be given to them too. This seems like a fair reward plan which in conjunction with the DLC purchases would be on parity with the full subscription.
This discussion has been closed.