BomblePants wrote: »Check out the guild recruitment section on the forums - you can join up to five!
BomblePants wrote: »Why don't you trust your guild shop? If it doesn't sell after the time limit the item just gets sent back to you in the mail - perfectly safe
Love_Daggerfall wrote: »I never ever leave things on sale in the shop longer then 24 hours that's crasy talk.
BlackSparrow wrote: »Love_Daggerfall wrote: »I never ever leave things on sale in the shop longer then 24 hours that's crasy talk.
- Maybe your guild had bad luck and so had a crappy trader position this week.
- Maybe you posted your content on a day that had a lot of irl stuff going on, so not as many people who mighty have bought stuff logged in
- Maybe it just happened that no one wanted to buy that stuff that day.
There is no reason not to trust your guild. What, are you afraid they're going to take your stuff and run? It's not the guild's fault if your stuff doesn't sell right away, unless they're just not getting their trader up, and even then it might just be a bad week.
Further, three days is not that long not to log into X-box. Some people have jobs, family obligations, etc., dude. You can't expect people to live on the game 24/7.
My advice is to not be so paranoid and high-strung about this. From the sounds of it, you're never going to find a trading guild that meets your standards. So yeah, go to the market square and sell the fish by shouting, then go find another way to make money that doesn't bother these poor guilds.
I would save it till you need xp potions or orsinium bear hanch
Love_Daggerfall wrote: »If being passionate about Trading and answering every post is what you mean by high-strung then yes l am guilty of that.
Love_Daggerfall wrote: »To my understanding you are asking me to shutup on forums. Is that the correct umderstanding l should have? For my own peace of mind if your a forum employee come out in the open and say so.
Love_Daggerfall wrote: »I have fallen into Depresion
I am not talking on this thread anymore