my biggest regret on eso

my biggest regret is making my main a dragon knight when my heart told me nightblade
when i made it i thought the armor looked cooler on it and didnt know anything about the game when you preview the veteran gear

my dk has completed most of the content in the game (all quests, shyshards, lorebooks, dungeons completed w all achievements gained, trials, only pvp stuff left)
i wish i could transfer all of that to my nightblade or make my dk a nb
ive done so much with it and im slowly working my way with my nb to that point

if you could restart from the day you started playing would you still pick your main to be your main?
May the Schwartz be with you.

  • Solid_Metal
    my biggest regret is chose EP as my main character alliance, i chose EP because my IRL play on it, but now they move away to other game and my local guild are AD, so....i remake AD and try to finish everything all over again
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • LiquidSchwartz
    my biggest regret is chose EP as my main character alliance, i chose EP because my IRL play on it, but now they move away to other game and my local guild are AD, so....i remake AD and try to finish everything all over again

    lol i hade dc toons at one point bc i hated ep in pvp
    i made my toons in ep for my irl friends as well
    turns out dc people were just pricks and ad is a zerg fest i have no want to join
    i dont wanna give up on my faction just cuz we're the underdog but i understand not liking it
    we have the least appealing of everything ):
    May the Schwartz be with you.

  • nine9six
    Getting so invested in 12 toons that sometimes I almost feel obligated to play.

    Last night I was playing Morrowind and at times I couldn't help but feel that I should be running Pledges or something in ESO.


    ...I love Morrowind, though, so I didn't. B)
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • ContraTempo
    I have not really had a "main" since I got past being a noob. About 6 of my 8 are characters I enjoy playing from time to time. I do all my writs and such but I play one so long as that is interesting (maybe a couple of weeks), then switch to another. I don't really worry/think much about how fast each is progressing, I just play them when I enjoy it. The other 2 were just created as mules before craft bags were around so I may do something with them at some point.

    So no, no regrets. I have created the race/class combos I like and I play what I enjoy.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • ContraTempo
    my biggest regret is making my main a dragon knight when my heart told me nightblade
    when i made it i thought the armor looked cooler on it and didnt know anything about the game when you preview the veteran gear

    my dk has completed most of the content in the game (all quests, shyshards, lorebooks, dungeons completed w all achievements gained, trials, only pvp stuff left)
    i wish i could transfer all of that to my nightblade or make my dk a nb
    ive done so much with it and im slowly working my way with my nb to that point

    if you could restart from the day you started playing would you still pick your main to be your main?

    This is another good argument for eliminating classes. Just pick any 3 skill lines you like. Change your mind? Stop using one of those skill lines and and learn a new one.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • Giraffon
    One time I rage deleted a V6 sorc from my character list because I kept seeing other players that had similar looking toons.

    I had maxed Enchant and Bags on that toon. Why did I do that?
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • technohic
    I focused on playing support heals and off DPS starting the game at launch with a guild with group play in mind even though I guess I typically do not favor that roll. By the time I was at the max Vet levels, the guild was gone. The 2 types of MMO characters I use most were ranged and/or stealth, or tanks and I should have stayed with that.
  • Lokey0024
    Went DK because they where the "tank" class. One buddy went NB the others templar and sorcs. If i knew then tanking on a magplar is amazing woulda made a Paladin.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    It's so easy and fast to level new characters now, though. And you can have up to 12 slots.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on June 24, 2016 3:44PM
  • Robbmrp
    Yep, Orc Templar all the way.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    My biggest regret is not selling the Robust Ring of Agility I scooped up for 2K in one of my guild stores.
  • mechsauc3
    stamsorc, i have leveled all other classes but only started playing stamsorc recently...
  • frostitomik
    Regrets? No regrets.
    My one and only character is a wood elf nightblade and I made him way before wood elf nightblades were cool :D
  • sirrmattus
    Lol. My biggest regret is dunmer templar.
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • Lysette
    Well, I have 7 NB characters, there is nothing to regret, I am pretty happy with my choice :smiley: I do not have a main character though, I play them as a team and all are equally liked by me. I do not prefer one over the other. I have a DK as well, and I find it really cool, that the gap closer is pulling the target to me instead of me jumping on it - that gives options, which I do not have available with the NB class. It is a bit like picking raisins - which one do I want to pull out and kill him where I am - I do not have to jump into a bunch of enemies to do that.
    Edited by Lysette on June 24, 2016 6:54PM
  • Xargomir
    My biggest regret is playing on console, now I'm building a PC to play and stream but I have to start over. Bright side is I'll see some of you on twitch! :D
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