Molag_Crow wrote: »
jwilkins66ub17_ESO wrote: »Uh this kills it for me. Thanks for letting me know. I only did about 4 contracts and it was getting old.... I'm sure I'll find something else to do lol
I got to get to skill line 10 to finish the story?! Oooooooohhhhhhhhh
Even after finishing the main quest there are more levels to get. My next passive upgrade unlocks at 11, but as much as I want it I have 11 more chars to contract spam to level 10 and the title. I went back to Wrothgar for now... so much more to do there. Contracts can wait.
Vipstaakki wrote: »No, you do not need to get to skill line 10 to finish the story. 8 is enough to start the last quest "Filling the void"
Have any of you actually finished it?
Molag_Crow wrote: »HOW can you do that on 11 different characters? wow.... dedication.
Vipstaakki wrote: »No, you do not need to get to skill line 10 to finish the story. 8 is enough to start the last quest "Filling the void"
Have any of you actually finished it?
Oh! And do not skip the dialogue. You have only yourself to blame if you get bored.
Silver_Strider wrote: »Don't the Black Sacraments count towards XP for the DB as well?
I know Heists did for TG so I'd imagine Black Sacraments count too.
Silver_Strider wrote: »Don't the Black Sacraments count towards XP for the DB as well?
I know Heists did for TG so I'd imagine Black Sacraments count too.
chuck-18_ESO wrote: »I gotta say that I'm a bit unimpressed with both DLCs being massive grind-fests.
In Morrowind I could level up the required skills by doing anything I wanted: quests, exploration... In ESO the encouraged playstyle includes 172746 loading screens and a quick, easy kill. It's just so boring. There's nothing to do in Gold Coast, I exhausted my capacity for boss farming in Abah's Landing, I'm not going to do it all over again. I doubt I'm going to even attempt the DB questline with any other character. I kind of feel like I wasted my money again. I expect to enjoy the dungeon pack much more because, while small, it will require some thought and skill to master and will play differently with different characters.BlackSparrow wrote: »Perhaps it's just me, but I don't mind grinding up skill requirements. It reminds me of Morrowind or Daggerfall.
(Blah blah blah, old school TES nostalgia, you kids get off my lawn XD)
I cant see why they dont untie the main quest from the skill line. Like I just want to experience the story. Not spend days randomly killing people....
I cant see why they dont untie the main quest from the skill line. Like I just want to experience the story. Not spend days randomly killing people....
Molag_Crow wrote: »Yeah... it would have been better if we could have earned dark brotherhood skill line XP in other ways, like using the blade of woe on citizens in general for a small amount of progression, or different kind of dailies that don't just involve traveling across Tamriel, like even if it's cleaning the toilets in the sanctuary (kidding) or.. something!
Lightninvash wrote: »Molag_Crow wrote: »Yeah... it would have been better if we could have earned dark brotherhood skill line XP in other ways, like using the blade of woe on citizens in general for a small amount of progression, or different kind of dailies that don't just involve traveling across Tamriel, like even if it's cleaning the toilets in the sanctuary (kidding) or.. something!
see I like doing the contracts(only had DB a week so far) because it sends you everywhere and it challenges me to be a ninja(as a Templar healer it makes it more challenging) and waiting for the right time to strike. Plus all the loot that can be had from the killings(if you play like me stalking every npc in my path to take them out so no witnesses) that it makes up for any bounty I will acquire. That and if I have to travel any I can collect more mats for my crafting bags(since I never kept much especially provisioning mats because had too much in my bank)
chuck-18_ESO wrote: »I gotta say that I'm a bit unimpressed with both DLCs being massive grind-fests.