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· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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Cant login

Hello @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , @ZOS I am unable to log in. Message error is code 108. I can access my account in the website normally but can´t get past the game login screen. Please help!
Edited by jcaceresw on June 24, 2016 1:23AM
  • jcaceresw
    Well, I did a repair and it allowed me to log in.
  • jcaceresw
    Nah, still cant login correctly. I load one character and the connection is lost. Not my internet. Trying to log about 20 times in a row.
  • DaniAngione
    I'm having a bit of trouble with the game right now, too.

    My internet is perfectly fine - tested it through and through.

    But half the time I get a Annoucements, half the time I get the "Could not retrieve announcements" message.

    Half the time I get to login, half the time the login fails.

    And when I connect, I stay inside the game just for a couple of minutes and then I lose my connection.

    There's certainly something wrong with the server because that's not in my end.
  • Lenikus
    The server is too full, even worse if you log'd out in a (now) full instance of a zone, it happens from time to time.
    Wait it out, nothing we can do. I'm also stuck, and when I do manage to load in i get kicked to log screen
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • Xvorg
    Lenikus wrote: »
    The server is too full, even worse if you log'd out in a (now) full instance of a zone, it happens from time to time.
    Wait it out, nothing we can do. I'm also stuck, and when I do manage to load in i get kicked to log screen

    DDoS attack?
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Lenikus
    Xvorg wrote: »
    DDoS attack?
    I don't really think people care enough about ESo, or ZoS, to do that
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • DaniAngione
    Lenikus wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    DDoS attack?
    I don't really think people care enough about ESo, or ZoS, to do that

    I also play an indie MMO which barely peaks 300 people online and there are people bored enough to DDoS attack it... so I suppose anything is possible.
  • Xvorg
    Lenikus wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    DDoS attack?
    I don't really think people care enough about ESo, or ZoS, to do that

    yup,. that's right

    maybe the server got conscious of itself and is trying a suicide by eating tons of bytes...
    Edited by Xvorg on June 24, 2016 2:57AM
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Lenikus
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Lenikus wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    DDoS attack?
    I don't really think people care enough about ESo, or ZoS, to do that
    yup,. that's right
    maybe the server got conscious of itself and is trying a suicide by eating tons of bytes...
    Maybe the server started reading the forums
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • jrodriguez
    I got the same problem... its never happend to me before.
  • jcaceresw
    I'm having a bit of trouble with the game right now, too.

    My internet is perfectly fine - tested it through and through.

    But half the time I get a Annoucements, half the time I get the "Could not retrieve announcements" message.

    Half the time I get to login, half the time the login fails.

    And when I connect, I stay inside the game just for a couple of minutes and then I lose my connection.

    There's certainly something wrong with the server because that's not in my end.

    What he said describes my situation right now. I still cant login and my friend from Canada told me he is getting the same issues.
  • jcaceresw
    Getting error 200 all the time.
  • Lenikus
    it Might be a ddos thing, but i'm still not believing, i'd find it easier to blame their currrent dev and maintenence team ... Everyone here in NA server, right ?
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • Lenikus
    Aaaaaand still not being able to stay in-game
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • DaniAngione
    Yeah, game still impossible for me too...

    I can barely stay online whenever I manage to log in - which is getting more difficult now.

    I guess I'll just go to bed, lol, 2AM here already anyway.....
  • Lenikus
    Aaaaand nope, still can't get online.
    Internet's fine, other games work fine,
    my ESo broke.
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • Tandor
    These sorts of threads make so much more sense if they mention the platform and server concerned. Heck, they could even be posted on the appropriate technical forum where they're more likely to be seen by technically-minded players and developers.
  • jcaceresw
    Tandor wrote: »
    These sorts of threads make so much more sense if they mention the platform and server concerned. Heck, they could even be posted on the appropriate technical forum where they're more likely to be seen by technically-minded players and developers.

    Yeah my bad. I am on NA server.
  • jcaceresw
    I was able to log in now in the very morning. Hope when I return from work in the night I can be able to play as I normally do.
  • WeerW3ir
    EU server. not even same but my pings jumps from 72 to 999
  • Tandor
  • WeerW3ir
    Tandor wrote: »

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