Yes im a DC only player since the start of eso online,
In lso the raid leader of Honour.
The pvp is broken. faction restrictions gone BIG mistake. the game is now werry unbalanced the 3 way fights gone there is only 2 factions now 1/2 vs 3 and so on ZENIMAX i blame not the players but >you< look at the eu servers low pop bonus broken see eboney the EP faction ha sent played the campaign at all still the are in the top ? morning caping low pop bonus and done you rely need to fix this (NOW MORE ACCOUNT WIDE PLAYING 2-3 factions in the same campaign) get the low pop bonus down a loot or totally gone.
And most needed get EMP city OUT of the cyradill campaign player count.
Les campaigns to play on.
Cenimax if you want this game to survive you need to look at your politics towards Exploiting/cheating its Free to cheat in this game small bans for a few days is a joke Cheat= account gone, Exploiting warning to a player second time perm bann = cheating.
problems i have met this week.
Exploits there is still a loot of keep jumpers out there need to be fixed and solved.
Unlimited resources yes there is a cheat out there (i know there is god players out there that are god at keeping resources up but there is a limit and there is sent a number of videos to cenimax that shows the impossible unlimited resources).