NB Sap Tank PvX build [Video]

Greetings fellow forum members, I'm a Xbox player and made this video showcasing my NB Sap Tank doing some PvP in Imperial City.

I go over my Gear, Skills and CP distribution at the end.

Hope you enjoy and Thank you for Watching.
Edited by Rex-Umbra on June 22, 2016 10:56PM
Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Brrrofski
    I've had a pve sap tankful a while, but it's a redguard so rolled an imperial for a pvp sap tank. How come-on have such high magica and health? My redguard has 27k health and magica, 18k stam. Granted that'd be 32k in pvp, not sure whereof get thay magicafrom though. 5/1/1 doean't add that much...
  • Rex-Umbra
    I'm Breton and most of my points are into Magicka and my mundus is the mage. Most of my Enchants are Prismatic and I have 5k more health in Cyrodiil as well as tri stat food.

    My gear is not optimal as some is purple divines with health enchants and will probably recraft too sturdy and gold.
    Edited by Rex-Umbra on June 22, 2016 2:27PM
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
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