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Increase Damage without losing my Critical

Okay guys, I'm in my end game content now and I need "pro" advice on what to do to my Character. I obviously don't have the MMO mind for this as I cannot fathom how to acquire nearly the numbers many other players make use of. It's taken a bit of extended effort just to get my Spell Critical up to nearly 60%, but even so I'm suffering elsewhere. Primarily, I need advice on how to effectively increase my Spell Damage by 1.5x to 2x where it is currently at least, without sacrificing the Spell Critical I've already managed to get. Below is a rundown of my "build".


4pc Purple/Blue Julianos Light
2pc Purple Transmutation Light

-Mix of Divines, Infused, and Impenetrable due to still unresearched traits
3pc Purple Willpower Jewelry
-Magick Recovery and Robust cause Arcane is incredibly rare/expensive.
5th piece CP160 Purple Julianos Inferno Staff of Increase Weapon Damage

I have CP slotted into Staff Expert and Elemental Expert, but I can't remember exactly how much.

For crafting I'm 10/10 on my Clothing and Woodworking, which are the only ones that really matter for me. But I'm still missing multiple traits on many pieces, 6 being the highest I have on several pieces.

Thing is, I'm a bit happy with my Critical damage output, getting between 6k and 12k with Heavy attacks. I just want to know what other Magicka class players have done to get their Spell power way up in the 2,500 to even 4,000 range. On my own effort alone I've never broken 2,000. I'm sure you could suggest a number of things to change regarding my Armor sets, but I don't want to sacrifice my Critical rating.
Edited by ArchMikem on June 25, 2016 12:49AM
CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
    Are you primarily PvE or PvP?
  • AGrz5585
    I run 5 julianos, 1 kena, 2 torugs, 3 will power all spell damage glyphs.

    Spell is like 2700 (with apprentice mundus)

    I use drinks so regen is 1500

    I'd say run that setup but take apprentice mundus and run food, regen will be alil lower but damage will be better.

    Also with this setup my crit is around 51% on staff bar.

    Hope this helps
  • DannyLV702
    You gear doesn't have to be gold, but your main weapon does. It will add about 200 spell damage
  • ArchMikem
    JAMESLJNR wrote: »
    Are you primarily PvE or PvP?

    PvE majority. I do runs with my Guild into Cyrodiil and the Imperial Sewers and that's when I'd actually like to be capable in fending off other players.
    AGrz5585 wrote: »
    I run 5 julianos, 1 kena, 2 torugs, 3 will power all spell damage glyphs.

    Spell is like 2700 (with apprentice mundus)

    I use drinks so regen is 1500

    I'd say run that setup but take apprentice mundus and run food, regen will be alil lower but damage will be better.

    Also with this setup my crit is around 51% on staff bar.

    Hope this helps

    Kena is one that is absolutely furthest from my reach considering my Guild never seems to want to do White Gold Tower, nor have we really attempted a Gold Undaunted pledge. Also how expensive would buying the spell damage glyphs be? I've neglected my Enchanting skill till just recently and it's only up to 15.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Johngo0036
    @ArchMikem - Kena is not that impossible to get, watch the vendor in cyrodiil....

    What class are you, i can see you are khajit but class is not mentioned anywhere...

    As a magicka Khajit on the more difficult pve content you may run in to resource issues but that can be moderately combatted by using sets that aid with regeneration.

    there is NO one set fits all when it comes to builds and you should find the one that works best for you,

    You HAVE to get your guild to start doing the undaunted VET pledges,
    They are really not that difficult and you can find videos all over Youtube on how the mechanics for each work,

    Take a tank, healer and 2DPS into them and you will come out tops in the end.......
    There are some that are more difficult like vCOA, vWGT, vICP....

    The rest are moderately difficult and once you understand the mechanics it becomes easier.
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • Acsvf
    Your maximum magicka is very lacking as well- you might want to look into that also.
    Lightarray Level 50 Dunmer Magicka Templar Healer

    CP: 192

    Add @Acsvf when quoting me to give me a notification!
  • bebynnag
    have you enchanted your clothes?

    another reason to do your pledge regulary is the undaunted passives

    and if Vwgt is not an option, just run the daily pledge inc the non vet pledge, with guaranteed shoulders from keys you will get molag shoulders eventually
  • Tyrannitar
    Dude. This is so simple I'm suprised no one's said it.

    Increase spell dmg glyphs for your jewlery.

    Increase spell dmg glyphs for weaps.

    Golded weaps help alot more than you'd think.
    My Cat Two Chainz (Main) - AD Stam Sorc
    Post Malone - AD Mag Blade
    Ba'al Sahk- AD Stam DK
    Vampy Cat- AD Perma-WW Templar
    610 CP as of 12/12/2016
  • ArchMikem
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    @ArchMikem - Kena is not that impossible to get, watch the vendor in cyrodiil....

    What class are you, i can see you are khajit but class is not mentioned anywhere...

    Ah yeah guess that's in the Description window now. It's Magicka Templar.
    Acsvf wrote: »
    Your maximum magicka is very lacking as well- you might want to look into that also.

    I've given all my armor pieces Truly Superb enchants of max magic.
    Tyrannitar wrote: »

    Golded weaps help alot more than you'd think.

    That was my intention when I eventually come across any gold materials.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Mush55
    5 Julianous divines magic enchants, 2 turogs head weapon, kena shoulders, jewellery and weapon spell power enchants, you'll be at over 2500k spell damage, thief mundos thats 63% crit with mage light slotted .

    If you use precise on your weapons instead of sharpened you get 73% crit , but better with sharpened and a bit lower crit for the spell penetration = more actual damage.

    Thats my set up on high elf mageblade so depending on what you play you can give or a few %.

    Use max health and magic regen food if sustain is an issue other wise use max health magic food.

    Edit this is for pve.
    Edited by Mush55 on June 23, 2016 11:09AM
  • ArchMikem
    Mush55 wrote: »
    5 Julianous divines magic enchants, 2 turogs head weapon, kena shoulders, jewellery and weapon spell power enchants, you'll be at over 2500k spell damage, thief mundos thats 63% crit with mage light slotted .

    If you use precise on your weapons instead of sharpened you get 73% crit , but better with sharpened and a bit lower crit for the spell penetration = more actual damage.

    Thats my set up on high elf mageblade so depending on what you play you can give or a few %.

    Use max health and magic regen food if sustain is an issue other wise use max health magic food.

    Edit this is for pve.

    This would probably be so much easier if I didn't care so much about my Character's appearance. But judging by your suggestions alone I'd have to research many more traits on my armor and staves, not to mention rethink my playstyle if I want/need to run a bar with Magelight taking up a slot.

    Thing is though, I don't understand the Spell Power enchants. The only Enchantment like that I know of us the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds. After putting that on my Staff it didn't affect my base Spell Damage at all so I'm assuming it's an additional during battles that has a cool down. Is there a different Enchantment I don't know about?
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Mush55
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Mush55 wrote: »
    5 Julianous divines magic enchants, 2 turogs head weapon, kena shoulders, jewellery and weapon spell power enchants, you'll be at over 2500k spell damage, thief mundos thats 63% crit with mage light slotted .

    If you use precise on your weapons instead of sharpened you get 73% crit , but better with sharpened and a bit lower crit for the spell penetration = more actual damage.

    Thats my set up on high elf mageblade so depending on what you play you can give or a few %.

    Use max health and magic regen food if sustain is an issue other wise use max health magic food.

    Edit this is for pve.

    This would probably be so much easier if I didn't care so much about my Character's appearance. But judging by your suggestions alone I'd have to research many more traits on my armor and staves, not to mention rethink my playstyle if I want/need to run a bar with Magelight taking up a slot.

    Thing is though, I don't understand the Spell Power enchants. The only Enchantment like that I know of us the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds. After putting that on my Staff it didn't affect my base Spell Damage at all so I'm assuming it's an additional during battles that has a cool down. Is there a different Enchantment I don't know about?

    Sure some one would offer to make the required items if you have the mats depending on what platform you play on.

    Mage light is worth the slot for the crit plus extra magic and you can afford to lose one slot even sorcs use it and they lose 2 minimum .

    Yes the spell power enchant dose not show on tooltip and only procs when you weave in a fight but it's about as good as it gets in my opinion unless you have a vmsa staff.

    But it's up to you, you will only get what you require by using the appropriate items julianous is still 6 traits no matter which one you put on it and turogs is 2 traits I think

    Don't understand the bit about appearance as you can craft the items except kenna shoulders in any style you like.
    Edited by Mush55 on June 23, 2016 12:07PM
  • ArchMikem
    Mush55 wrote: »
    Yes the spell power enchant dose not show on tooltip and only procs when you weave in a fight but it's about as good as it gets in my opinion unless you have a vmsa staff.

    Please explain what everyone means when they say "weave".
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Mush55
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Mush55 wrote: »
    Yes the spell power enchant dose not show on tooltip and only procs when you weave in a fight but it's about as good as it gets in my opinion unless you have a vmsa staff.

    Please explain what everyone means when they say "weave".

    Weaving is using a skill lets say force pulse after a heavy/medium/light attack if magic from a staff.

    So it will go staff attack, force pulse, staff attack force pulse staff attack any other skill staff attack ect

    If your not doing this you will do less damage and magic will run out pretty quick, just all down to practice bennefits are you do more damage proc certain skills and return some magic.
  • Ayalaya
    Please explain. Which is the Spellpower enchant for weapon? Is it the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds as OP asks?

  • Reorx_Holybeard
    Ayalaya wrote: »
    Please explain. Which is the Spellpower enchant for weapon? Is it the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds as OP asks?


    It was changed in DB to also include Spell Damage. It has a 10 second cooldown so you'll get a 50% uptime with it typically.

    Reorx Holybeard -- NA/PC
    Founder/Admin of -- UESP ESO Guilds
    Creator of the "Best" ESO Build Editor
    I'm on a quest to build the world's toughest USB drive!
  • Mush55
    Thought it was a 6 second cooldown
  • Ayalaya
    Ayalaya wrote: »
    Please explain. Which is the Spellpower enchant for weapon? Is it the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds as OP asks?


    It was changed in DB to also include Spell Damage. It has a 10 second cooldown so you'll get a 50% uptime with it typically.


    Thank you :smile:
  • DocFrost72
    OP, try running the daily pledges, BOTH of them every day. One, it helps undaunted level if you need that, and two: Molag Kena Shoulders can drop from any silver or gold chest.

    It's kinda funny running normal spindle and getting Molag kena's blue arm cops.
  • Asmael
    Here's Latter's magicka templar build.

    Hopefully you'll find a lot of useful information there.

    Now, for the usual magicka DD setup (works with just about any class):

    Julianos x5 (Twice born star is good, but only for trials, so forget about it for now).
    Molag kena x2
    Willpower x3 (all jewelry with Arcane and spell damage enchants)
    -> If using Dual wield (swords), Torug x2
    -> If you use a staff, you can use Molag kena x1 (shoulder is easy to get from undaunted chests), Torug x2 with helmet and staff

    You'll still want to go with Kena x2 want possible. Everything Divines if possible, Infused second, other traits are bad. Critical resistance (I see you have 1k+) does not work in PvE.

    If your crit chance is lower than your critical damage, go for Thief.
    If your crit damage is lower than your critical chance, go for Shadow.

    Very likely, Thief is the way to go in your case.

    Max Health / Max Magicka food. Sustain is mostly irrelevant

    Champion points
    Refer to link above for full details.

    • Make sure to have 5 light armor, 1 medium and 1 heavy for stats to get maximum benefit from Undaunted Mettle.
    • Inner light on your offensive bar is an absolute must (+7% max magicka, +2% magicka recovery, +12% critical chance).
    • Purple armor is fine, however, having a gold weapon is very important.
    • Spell damage is much harder to get on a magicka build than it is to get weapon damage on stamina builds. This should NOT be your sole focus, critical hits are extremely important.
    • Vampirism provides 10% extra stamina/magicka recovery, which can help quite a bit. In case you don't like the look, you can actually hide the effects (there's a servant's costume in the TG DLC during the main quest that hides vampirism).
    • Unlock ALL of the thingz. Hunt those skyshards, complete the main quest DLCs. You need basically all possible combat passives.
    • Theoretical spell power: 1335 (staff) + 299 (Julianos) + 129 (base Kena) + 3 * 174 (spell damage enchants on jewelry) + 186 (willpower 3p) is 2471 spell damage unbuffed. With kena proc (516), it's 2987. You get with Major Sorcery (+20%) respectively 2965 and 3584 (without Kena proc and with Kena proc).

    What do your skill bars look like?
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • Xvorg
    Ayalaya wrote: »
    Please explain. Which is the Spellpower enchant for weapon? Is it the Increase Weapon Damage by (x) for 5 seconds as OP asks?


    It was changed in DB to also include Spell Damage. It has a 10 second cooldown so you'll get a 50% uptime with it typically.


    Ig he PvEs, that's a good option, but if he PvPs, disease glyph is way better. Since it reduces healing taken you can actually do moar efficient dmg.
    Edited by Xvorg on June 23, 2016 3:48PM
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • ArchMikem
    Asmael wrote: »
    Here's Latter's magicka templar build.

    Hopefully you'll find a lot of useful information there.

    Now, for the usual magicka DD setup (works with just about any class):
    Julianos x5 (Twice born star is good, but only for trials, so forget about it for now).
    Molag kena x2
    Willpower x3 (all jewelry with Arcane and spell damage enchants)
    -> If using Dual wield (swords), Torug x2
    -> If you use a staff, you can use Molag kena x1 (shoulder is easy to get from undaunted chests), Torug x2 with helmet and staff

    You'll still want to go with Kena x2 want possible. Everything Divines if possible, Infused second, other traits are bad. Critical resistance (I see you have 1k+) does not work in PvE.

    If your crit chance is lower than your critical damage, go for Thief.
    If your crit damage is lower than your critical chance, go for Shadow.

    Very likely, Thief is the way to go in your case.

    Max Health / Max Magicka food. Sustain is mostly irrelevant

    Champion points
    Refer to link above for full details.

    • Make sure to have 5 light armor, 1 medium and 1 heavy for stats to get maximum benefit from Undaunted Mettle.
    • Inner light on your offensive bar is an absolute must (+7% max magicka, +2% magicka recovery, +12% critical chance).
    • Purple armor is fine, however, having a gold weapon is very important.
    • Spell damage is much harder to get on a magicka build than it is to get weapon damage on stamina builds. This should NOT be your sole focus, critical hits are extremely important.
    • Vampirism provides 10% extra stamina/magicka recovery, which can help quite a bit. In case you don't like the look, you can actually hide the effects (there's a servant's costume in the TG DLC during the main quest that hides vampirism).
    • Unlock ALL of the thingz. Hunt those skyshards, complete the main quest DLCs. You need basically all possible combat passives.
    • Theoretical spell power: 1335 (staff) + 299 (Julianos) + 129 (base Kena) + 3 * 174 (spell damage enchants on jewelry) + 186 (willpower 3p) is 2471 spell damage unbuffed. With kena proc (516), it's 2987. You get with Major Sorcery (+20%) respectively 2965 and 3584 (without Kena proc and with Kena proc).

    This was very thought out, and at least it gives me a few goals to do.

    What do your skill bars look like?

    Puncturing Sweeps, Dark Flare, Aurora Javelin, Breath of Life, and Radiant Destruction | Ice Comet

    Back bar is a Resto staff with healing abilities for my Guild stuff.

    Edit: i bought the spell damage enchants for my willpower set as well as sacrifice my Javelin for Magelight. My numbers are now up to,

    Spell Damage: 2079
    Spell Critical: 68.7%
    Edited by ArchMikem on June 24, 2016 9:41AM
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
  • Mush55

    Ty for info, still a good enchant without a malestrom staff

    Not true.

    With Db on PC at least it current runs 4sec for enchants.
    tested last night and today.
    With infused staff it is 2.4s.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Dagoth_Rac
    STEVIL wrote: »

    Not true.

    With Db on PC at least it current runs 4sec for enchants.
    tested last night and today.
    With infused staff it is 2.4s.

    I believe glyphs that have instant effects, like fire damage or disease damage, have a 4 second cooldown. Glyphs that have a prolonged effect, like weapon/spell damage or reduce armor, have a 10-second cooldown.
  • Autolycus
    I have a few recommendations that may help you get to where you want to be.

    Generally speaking, it's a good idea to use complete sets, rather than a mix of set bonuses. For example, you can get a large increase to your spell damage by having your fifth piece of Julianos.

    Enchanting your jewelry with Spell Damage glyphs is also a prominent means of boosting your damage. This won't affect your crit, but it will affect your resource management, since you are using magicka recovery. It's much easier to sustain in pve without this recovery than it is in pvp.

    Increasing your max magicka pool is also a very effective method of boosting damage. Increasing your magicka by 1,000 is roughly the same increase in damage as 100 spell damage. Some things will only scale from max magicka (i.e. Annulment), but many are scaled from both spell damage and max magicka. It is for this reason that your Arcane Willpower jewelery is so expensive - because each one gives you almost 1,000 max magicka beyond the set bonuses (replacing all three would be about as effective as adding 300 spell damage, roughly).

    Allocating CP also increases your max stats. Warrior (red) points, Thief (green) points, and Mage (blue) points each increase your max health, stamina, and magicka, respectively. As such, the more CP you have, the higher those max stats become, and in the case of magicka and stamina, it boosts your damage. Allocating points to health does not impact your damage; it serves only as a cushion to keep you alive.

    If you aren't already, be sure to utilize Major Sorcery and Major Prophecy at all times. The former increases your spell damage, the latter increases your crit chance. Also be sure to always use a food buff (usually blue cp150 food that increases max health and magicka).

    Edit: Forgot to mention that legendary quality gear and weapons makes a significant impact on your stats. Gold weapons will boost your spell damage. Gold gear will boost the values of the enchants on the gear, which in your case should be all magicka.

    Edited by Autolycus on June 24, 2016 6:58PM
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