I'm on PS4, btw, if it matters.
Items don't automatically stack together in guild banks like they do in player banks, so instead of stacking together upon deposit, there will be several smaller stacks just sitting in guild banks. Like I'll see stacks of 4 Kura, 8 Kura, 27 Kura, 15 Kura, all sitting next to each other... these items have to be removed from the guild bank, stacked in the player inventory, then deposited back into the guild bank. Most players either don't realize this, or just don't care, so I used to spend maybe 5-10 minutes restacking for a couple of my guilds. Kind of annoying, but whatever, it was a small price to pay for having access to items when I needed them, or being able to share surplus items.
Until the DB update, and craft bags. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the craft bag. It's made my ESO life so much easier. Except with the guild banks. I found out the hard way, while restacking for my guild, that craft items pulled from the guild bank immediately get moved to the craft bag. I didn't find this out until I had pulled almost 100 smaller stacks out of the guild bank to restack. I had to go to the guild bank history, add up how much of each item that I had pulled out, manually pull it out of my craft bag, and deposit it back into the guild bank. I don't want to spend all of that time and effort just to deal with other people's disorganization, so one of my guilds has had a full bank account for several days now.
So my suggestions are:
1.) Please please PLEASE make items auto-stack in the guild bank, like they do in player banks. PLEASE.
2.) Maybe allow higher stack limits within guild banks, similar to the craft bags, where it continues to stack above 200 in the bank, but you can pull items out in the usual 200 stack.
3.) Make it so items pulled out of a guild bank aren't automatically transferred to the craft bag, and instead have to be manually moved over.
550+ CP (too lazy to update every single point, this is the best you get)
Erissandra - Bosmer stamblade - almost a master crafter
Has-Many-Bandaids - Argonian magplar - pvp healer
Crunchbite - Breton magplar - pve healer