My hope for housing is being DLC based and along the line of Skyrim. Buy a housing contract or do a quest for one, gather materials for building the house, hire staff, guards etc.
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »Yeah... let's add 7 million houses to the world. Lmao. Actual housing should be limited. Instanced "apartments" should be there too, for players who can buy them. Unlimited. But as for ACTUAL houses? Those should be limited to say 50-80 per zone. Unless they create instanced neighborhoods, there simple isn't enough space. But housing in the over world should be limited and should include guild halls. Make it so guild halls can have portals to that guilds realm, like the mage guild island. Where all the members of that guild who are allowed a plot can make their own home.
notimetocare wrote: »Bahahahahahah. Expect to pay, expect to pay more if you want something nice. They know they can milk the RPers for a ton of money, they will do it.
Just make it a pocket plane of oblivion. Since we help Sheogorath out a lot maybe let us do a quest chain for him in a Expansion/DLC and he'll reward us with our own small plane of oblivion that has a wayshrine which we can customize and we can change the landscape to the sky to whatever we want along our own customized house. That way they don't have players fighting for a home. Oh and maybe add a new crafting skill line for housing or Enchanting and Woodworking can be expanded to create cosmetics for the plane.
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »Yeah... let's add 7 million houses to the world. Lmao. Actual housing should be limited. Instanced "apartments" should be there too, for players who can buy them. Unlimited. But as for ACTUAL houses? Those should be limited to say 50-80 per zone. Unless they create instanced neighborhoods, there simple isn't enough space. But housing in the over world should be limited and should include guild halls. Make it so guild halls can have portals to that guilds realm, like the mage guild island. Where all the members of that guild who are allowed a plot can make their own home.
I'm expecting instanced neighborhoods. putting housing in the actual game world would be incredibly stupid and unfeasible from a technical standpoint. No MMO actually does that. Instanced Neighborhoods is typically the way it is done.
I'd do Instanced Neighborhoods for Guild Housing, and Instanced Apartment-style housing for individuals.
but however they decide to do it, they need to do it in a way that Housing is available to all who can afford it.
Serious question, why would you want a house? This is my first MMO and I really don't see any point to having a house.
Daemons_Bane wrote: »notimetocare wrote: »Bahahahahahah. Expect to pay, expect to pay more if you want something nice. They know they can milk the RPers for a ton of money, they will do it.
I love how you think only the RP players will buy stuff
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »In my honest opinion I don't see the point of player housing at all, I'm here to play the game not sit around a Bed, a table and some chairs (that you can't even sit on mind you) doing nothing but trying to make-believe, and besides the options would most likely be very limited, what If I want a Coffin instead of a Bed? I doubt we would get that, you will probably be given a generic Imperial looking home that is identical for everyone.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »In my honest opinion I don't see the point of player housing at all, I'm here to play the game not sit around a Bed, a table and some chairs (that you can't even sit on mind you) doing nothing but trying to make-believe, and besides the options would most likely be very limited, what If I want a Coffin instead of a Bed? I doubt we would get that, you will probably be given a generic Imperial looking home that is identical for everyone.
that's what everyone says, TX.
until Housing comes out.
and EVERYONE, even the people who say this, buy houses and decorate em and all that stuff.
Housing gets suggested, Raiders, Progression content people, and PVPers all say "oh housing is pointless I wanna kill stuff not sit in a house, gimme more dungeons and raids screw all those silly "RPer" nerds."
Housing gets implemented, Raiders, Progresison People, and PVPers all sit in their houses, posting screenshots of there decoration and crap. Or they complain that now they want one and either can't afford it, or none are available.
I've seen it in every MMO I've played that has had housing. LOTRO, FFXIV, Dark Age of Camelot, you name it, exact same cycle.
cyclonus11 wrote: »
ConeOfSilence wrote: »Would likely cost crowns anyway and not in game gold eliminating the possibility of ppl selling them for huge in game gold prices.