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Is ESO crafting the most vanilla-ish crafting in a current mmo?

Edited by MrPoolaty on June 21, 2016 12:32AM

Is ESO crafting the most vanilla-ish crafting in a current mmo? 39 votes

Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
SolarikenYulsEasily_LostMrPoolatyDT05shadowwraith666llSRRll 7 votes
No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
kadarEthromelb14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOmertustaElsirKorozennGilGaladnudellookstwiceCîanaiTarukmocktoTowerdragonBouldercleaveXvorgReverbLarianaAdamskiAldersCalidus1 RebornV3xOrthodoxa 32 votes
  • MrPoolaty
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    There is so many problems in my opinion as an avid crafter in mmos that I have with eso crafting. I'm just curious if anyone else feels the same way...

    First of for provisioning to be a master crafter you also need to be a master thief! Why is there not wild fruits and vegetables we can harvest?

    There's no prerequisite crafts in order to make anything. For example we don't make pie dough then make pies later...

    For provisioning to me it's very very bland. I do love the fact you need to find recipes that to me is awesome!

    For other crafting professions there's real strive after just playing the waiting game to learn the traits...

    I guess my question to ZOS is there going to be any changes to crafting or do they see it as a polished system?
  • Pigment
    No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
    MrPoolaty wrote: »
    There is so many problems in my opinion as an avid crafter in mmos that I have with eso crafting. I'm just curious if anyone else feels the same way...

    First of for provisioning to be a master crafter you also need to be a master thief! Why is there not wild fruits and vegetables we can harvest?

    There's no prerequisite crafts in order to make anything. For example we don't make pie dough then make pies later...

    For provisioning to me it's very very bland. I do love the fact you need to find recipes that to me is awesome!

    You can find loads of free provisioning ingredients in solo dungeons. Since crafting bags, I now have enough ingredients to make at least 100 of just about anything.

    Adding prerequisites to provisioning would make things way too complicated, and there are already too many ingredients. And where would it end? Yeah you can go find flour in order to make pie crust, so that you can make pie, but who made the flour? Are we getting wheat farms too? :p

    I think there is currently a nice balance, however, there's always room for slight improvements.
    Edited by Pigment on June 21, 2016 1:03AM
    @ikon0 / Alt-aholic / PC / NA
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    Puerto Cabello / AD / Khajiit / Nightblade
  • Solariken
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    The UI is nice I guess, but crafting in ESO is very shallow and disappointing. The possibilities are endless, but I know ZOS doesn't have crafting overhauls on their radar so I'm not going to bother expounding.
  • lookstwice
    No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
    I guess coming from WoW, this crafting system is so much better IMO. Only other MMO I have tons of time crafting. Did a little in LOTRO.

    But I don't think I ever had a good opportunity to use crafted gear while leveling in WoW. Especially with all the different sets and looks for armor pieces in ESO. Actually maybe in WoD, but they were cheap enough in the AH anyway. Never felt like I needed to level them up. Just did crafting for the gold plus all my toons were an Engineer as well.

    Oh I do remember using the endless alchemy flask while leveling in WoW as well. That was pretty helpful.

    Provisioning in ESO might be boring I guess to some, but my toon never leaves town without a hearty meal or drink depending on the situation. I haven't really utilized Alchemy/Enchanting yet because I can't be bothered to level them up. Just do the writs for those.

    Edit: I would only really really want is the ability to change any gear drop to a known style my toon knows.
    Edited by lookstwice on June 21, 2016 4:01AM
  • MrPoolaty
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    Pigment wrote: »
    MrPoolaty wrote: »
    There is so many problems in my opinion as an avid crafter in mmos that I have with eso crafting. I'm just curious if anyone else feels the same way...

    First of for provisioning to be a master crafter you also need to be a master thief! Why is there not wild fruits and vegetables we can harvest?

    There's no prerequisite crafts in order to make anything. For example we don't make pie dough then make pies later...

    For provisioning to me it's very very bland. I do love the fact you need to find recipes that to me is awesome!

    You can find loads of free provisioning ingredients in solo dungeons. Since crafting bags, I now have enough ingredients to make at least 100 of just about anything.

    Adding prerequisites to provisioning would make things way too complicated, and there are already too many ingredients. And where would it end? Yeah you can go find flour in order to make pie crust, so that you can make pie, but who made the flour? Are we getting wheat farms too? :p

    I think there is currently a nice balance, however, there's always room for slight improvements.

    Player farms would nice! But honestly it doesn't need to be that detailed. Ok so you can either steal cooking ingredients above ground or loot them like crazy in dungeons but, buying them from a vendor costs $150. per ingredient. That's dumb!
  • MrPoolaty
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    Another thing that drives me bat *** crazy is when I'm crafting in banging away like a *** on bath salts... Can they fix that Geezus!!
  • Smileybones
    If you are looking for a game where crafting is king and well designed you can give a try to Fallen Earth. It's a bit old and very low populated now, but it's still running and truly F2P.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Not sure how to answer, I'm also a WoW player and I like the way they do their itemization while they limit their set bonuses to 5 slots they do add other items that have their own bonus effects outside of sets like with jewelry, trinkets, and weapon procs on top of active enchants. Only Maelstrom weapons come close to that kind of additional power through their Unique enchants. This game is primarily about set bonuses, any slot that isn't part of a set is just wasted space and is likely to hinder you in any progression rather than be an upgrade; it makes most, if not all, non-set dropped items in this game just another item for deconstructing with fancy flavor text. The item quality level thing is also more static in this game so you can hit the improvement wall really fast, while in WoW there are rising quality tiers, allowing you to get better more gradually to where if your skill level isn't up to par, you can eventually out-gear it to make it easier thus allowing you to do the next tier of content.
  • Mojmir
    uo had a good crafting system for awhile,then it got silly with imbuing.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
    I like the crafting system in general. Sure, there are additions that would be nice to have (mainly recrafting traits and styles, jewelery crafting) but I don't think we need a total revamp.
  • WillhelmBlack
    The crafting is fantastic in this game, doesn't mean it can't be improved though.
    PC EU
  • I_killed_Vivec
    You don't like crafting because you can't be bothered to find the ingredients for provisioning?
  • MrPoolaty
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    You don't like crafting because you can't be bothered to find the ingredients for provisioning?

    No there's no shortage of ingredients is just ridiculous that you have you steal everything or loot the items from dungeons. I already maxed provisioning a while ago.

    To me though the way to get items is ridiculous and it's really vanilla. The provisioning just really seems like a system that's lacking depth.
  • MrPoolaty
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    I haven't played wow. My previous mmo experience was final fantasy 11 & 14. Also I know there are people who don't really care about crafting but to me it's my biggest passion.

    I just feel like the other crafting professions are also lacking depth. I mean besides writs is there a reason besides for sake of doing so to level them?
  • Easily_Lost
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    I was not sure how to answer this. The only addition I would like is Jewelry.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Melodina
    No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
    I have actually usually been put off by crafting because it was always so complicated but in ESO I like the fact that it is simple. Please don't change it!
    - EU Servers (PC) -
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    A Humanitarian Vegetarian
    Sometimes, I sing: www.doxametal.com
  • shadowwraith666
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    i'd like to see more crafting options such as

    soul gems
    dyes (both weapon, armour and costume)
    • Vicktor Bloodtail - L42 Argonian Magblade, Werewolf - EP
    • Xarxes - L31 Dunmer Sorc, Vampire - EP
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    PS4 EU
    Spill some blood for me dear brother
    Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, Oblivion
  • DT05
    Yes it is!! Please revamp ASAP!!
    I would love to change the style of my armour to a new motif without having to use up 64 tempering alloys & 16 rosin. If they implemented a way to do that it would be perfect for me.
    DC DK Pure Tank that can dps.
    part of the "A-Team" "Drift"
  • Sinolai
    No it's actually just fine!! Don't touch it...
    MrPoolaty wrote: »
    There is so many problems in my opinion as an avid crafter in mmos that I have with eso crafting. I'm just curious if anyone else feels the same way...

    First of for provisioning to be a master crafter you also need to be a master thief! Why is there not wild fruits and vegetables we can harvest?

    Yeah, I leveled my provisioning from 19 to 50 (I had done few writs before but I finally decided to max it) in 3 days by traveling from tavern to tavern, stealing everything, cooking it and selling it to the owner of the place :tongue:
    Edited by Sinolai on June 23, 2016 11:05PM
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