Karamis_Vimardon wrote: »The Liberator of Haderus has returned.
Burning_Talons wrote: »This thread is a tribute to Magicka DKs I've encountered or looked at that I see to be honorable and or made an impact of me becoming a Magicka DK.
I will update this as time goes. Its kinda like my own archive.
Vyr Cor - The legend himself not much to say
o huik o/Hulkares (R.I.P)-Reason Im a Mdk and good at it
Ariana Kishi (R.I.P)-Made me realize that 1vX is very much acheivable as a MDK
Nesquik Kid- Looked upon DK of PS4 although never met him. I seen his work
Etaniel (M.I.A)- The Dragonknight of triggering. Reason I started to actually run in small groups
SypherPK (R.I.P) The once powerful and now dead Dragonknight
americansteel wrote: »Burning_Talons wrote: »This thread is a tribute to Magicka DKs I've encountered or looked at that I see to be honorable and or made an impact of me becoming a Magicka DK.
I will update this as time goes. Its kinda like my own archive.
Vyr Cor - The legend himself not much to say
o huik o/Hulkares (R.I.P)-Reason Im a Mdk and good at it
Ariana Kishi (R.I.P)-Made me realize that 1vX is very much acheivable as a MDK
Nesquik Kid- Looked upon DK of PS4 although never met him. I seen his work
Etaniel (M.I.A)- The Dragonknight of triggering. Reason I started to actually run in small groups
SypherPK (R.I.P) The once powerful and now dead Dragonknight
hulk? scrublord never ran by himself always ran with an entourage of templars NBs and sorcs. easy to wipe.
sitting in buff campaigns spamming talons and inhale resource farming AP will get you a 50 in pvp.
as any magic DK on xbox i wiped em all.
go to pc watch what a legit DK can do.
i seen vyr cor not bad
Minnesinger wrote: »Hard to make any list including all the best players as ESO doesn´t have anything resembling leaderboards of skills. I would say that Permared, Moon Die, Murderthumbs, Fixate and almost who not should have their names mentioned.
I like the part how only streamers and video spammers are listed.
The best players in ESO dont record videos, they dont need to. Their reputations speak for themselves.
Thats all.
I don't understand this, are you talking about specifically here, most players like to show off their skill with videos etc.The best players in ESO dont record videos, they dont need to. Their reputations speak for themselves.
I like the part how only streamers and video spammers are listed.
The best players in ESO dont record videos, they dont need to. Their reputations speak for themselves.
Thats all.
Some do, some don't. Uploading or streaming does not determine this. To make blanket statements like "The best players in ESO don't record videos" is simply misguided.
I can atleast personally speak to the skill level of Asgari, Sypher and Vir Cor as I've played with and against these guys. They are all monsters in their own right and to try to diminish that because they are visible by the community is unfair.
I like the part how only streamers and video spammers are listed.
The best players in ESO dont record videos, they dont need to. Their reputations speak for themselves.
Thats all.
Some do, some don't. Uploading or streaming does not determine this. To make blanket statements like "The best players in ESO don't record videos" is simply misguided.
I can atleast personally speak to the skill level of Asgari, Sypher and Vir Cor as I've played with and against these guys. They are all monsters in their own right and to try to diminish that because they are visible by the community is unfair.
Most of the names listed are mediocre to decent, and mostly stand out today because so many that were actual pioneers and stalwarts of the class, left.
I have a deep rooted hatred of lauding praise on people who are only "famous" because they posted a video of wrecking a bunch of noobs with bats, shuffle rockclimbing, or something similar, any competent DK can do that. Fanboyism is probably my biggest peeve with the playerbase of ESO. Many people get props they never actually deserved. If I had a dollar for every epic moment I never captured on video, all the streamboys would think I was some amazing ball of win as well, but I am not that vain. Nor do I consider myself a top echelon DK player, maybe another class.
Hell half of that list itself, they dont even play mDK anymore, they went FOTM meta and abandoned theirs. Vir Cor is the only one I recognize who as of anytime recent has been on one, and his is mostly tank with very little spank. Unless something changed drastically in the last month I am unaware of, none of these DKs are particularly "dangerous"
Some good players sure, know their class, but to laud them as some kind of ESO hall of fame? Hardly. The very first thing that came to mind is where the hell is BBQ, probably the best DK to ever play ESO. He doesnt make videos. Hell Aegon is better than most of these guys, and I dont even like him. Spade a spade though.
Burning_Talons wrote: »I see to be honorable and or made an impact of me becoming a Magicka DK.
Whatever you're smoking you paid too much. I used to group with jones and BBQ when the game was all about synergy, group dynamics and smart play. It is to some degree now - but I remember 7 of us plowing through 30-40 EP one time at dragonclaw and looking back over the line of dead bodies thinking..."HOLY HELL, we did that" And that was when I was main healing on a sorc with Springs and Combat prayer and efficient Purge. This was when we all had 2800-3400 health.
The other one I will mention - but I do think he was a strong group lead more than anything else - is Agrippa Invisus. We used to have epic 16V16 negate + standard battles with his crew back in the day.