I posted this in general discussion and did know how to move it to this area.
OK so... I rebuilt my guy. Went into the Maelstrom and whooped same arse. It was my first time to even get past the first stage.
I get all the way through and when I leave the arena, I dont get credit. I have completed the quest. I have left the Maelstrom area and came back. The portal to the arena has disappeared but the quest marker is still there. The merchant and quest giver have turned to face the portal. When I speak to them they give the conversation like the quest is complete.
Has anyone had this issue? I have tried to power cycle. I have searched the forums. I cant share the quest bc its a solo quest. This is on the xbox1.
Anyone had this issue? Support basically states I have to drop it and do it again. I mean dang this is a 3-4 hour investment and what happens if I cant do it again?