An Idea for Player Housing: Set-Crafting and Set Bonus Researching at your personal Forge!

Instead of researching armor traits, at your character's home you would be able to research specific set bonuses, and ultimately craft your own idealized set.

The Rules first...So...

1. Only works with 5 piece sets, but they can be crafted or randomly dropped.

2. Once researched, the bonus can only be applied to the same bonus level from which it was researched. So for example, if you researched Clever Alchemists 4pc bonus (+129 weapon and spell damage), you could only incorporate it into a new set as a 4pc bonus.

3. Only gear that is max level currently can be researched, however once researched, the bonus will scale up as the armor cap is increased. So if the armor cap increases to CP240, and max level gear grants weapon damage bonuses of 154 instead of 129, you'll be able to apply the 4pc Clever Alchemist bonus as +154 WD and SD even though you researched it at +129.

4. Research time will increase based on the number of pieces it would take to get the bonus. In other words, the first bonus (2pc) would take 3 days to research. If the bonus was a 3pc bonus, it'd take a week. 4pc would require 14 days and 5 pc bonuses would take a full month to learn. 

5. Similar to trait research, using skill points, you could research up to 3 bonuses simultaneously.

6. The rest would be up to you.

What would you create? What sort of interesting builds could this lead to? What would you call your set?

Hunding's first two bonuses (weapons crit and max stam) with Alchemist's 4pc and Twice Born's 5pc? The Twice Clever Rage Set

  • Clerics1985
    ahh bringing a touch of runescape to housing, I aprove.
  • Unsent.Soul
    Is it just me or is there something horribly wrong with the way the words aren't sticking together and breaking up? Why all the spacing? What are you posting from?
  • SSlarg
    rather then a forge,

    why not offer a really expensive house with its own

    PS4 NA PSN - SSlarg
    Currently Looking To Buy:
  • Amdar_Godkiller
    Is it just me or is there something horribly wrong with the way the words aren't sticking together and breaking up? Why all the spacing? What are you posting from?

    My space bar broke this week. Long story short: My cat is an ***hole, and I'm forced to use "Alt+0160" to make every space.
  • Amdar_Godkiller
    SSlarg wrote: »
    rather then a forge,

    why not offer a really expensive house with its own


    It doesn't have to be either/or. Both would be excellent.
  • Mrfreudo
    Soul Shriven
    Player housing could add so much more to the game.

    Any player as you said could grow his own ingredients and craft his ideal gear.

    Taming and breeding animals as mounts would be another option.

    Home time should add a bonus effect to the character for a couple of hours. The better the house the better the bonus.

    Housing should be a social feature. Any player could post notifications about things he/she needs (quests, gears, sets, dungeons) on his board and you could gain bonuses, experience points and money by helping other people. Quests are given by real people in a similar way like in NPC quests. Quest could be things like "Swim naked at 10.00 in Cyrodill and get this item", "Kill this player and get 1.000 gold", "Help me with this quest and get....", "Find all lore books for mages guild for me, develop my skillline and get the X set". Even if the dlc runs out of quests no more worries. You could always find something new to do.

    Players should have a recycle bin where they could put things they dont need (restricted to blue and purple items and crafting ingredients) but they think that they might be of use for other players. Searching in the bins for ingredients would be like travelling from guild trader to guild trader for items. Being a philanthropist and giving things away should reward you in ways like gaining experience, money and special rewards while climbing up the leaderboard.

    There could be new mechanics and housing could be a new place for PVP. For example you could capture NPC hostages from Cyrodiil and enemy players could get in your house kill you and get the hostage back.

    I just posted some random ideas knowing that many of these are not even possible. My point is that housing should give you so many options enhancing current gameplay

  • Averya_Teira
    I would like it, but I think it would be OP as ***. People would come up with ridiculous stacking stuff and destroy what little balance the game still has....
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