Alright I wanted to make a few things clear and express my concern for the direction this game has gone. My main concern and a vast majority of my guild will agree to the fact they are completely taking away a lot of endgame content and giving it all away with little to no effort. Giving away monster helms, taking away vet ranks, 100% set drops in Wgt and icp. And the fact you can get to champion 160 from 0 in a day is disturbing. Absolutely catering to the casual player and not rewarding and actually hindering your hardcore players. I have litteraly reached a point and a lot of my guild has aswell where there is nothing to grind for, nothing to do besides pvp which can't get bland. Giving away the monster sets ruins the replay value of running dungeons thus taking away a big chunk of endgame.
The game is turning into an arcade rpg and it's all here in writing
Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Official Dark Brotherhood - Blood Will Flow Trailer
Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, smaller DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game:
"It’s interesting to see what happens when you take away the subscription model away," Firor explained. "You don’t see a hardcore playstyle - like playing for six months and then quitting - we don’t see that. We have a lot of players who will play for two or three weeks because they want to get through a zone and then stop. Then they come back two months later for another month, because there’s no pressure to play all of it at once.
"Our DLC packs cater to that, because they’re smaller, bite-size chunks of story and associated quests."
Edited by phaith on June 15, 2016 5:40PM