Absurd enemy behavior

Post game, skyshroud barrow, one of the bosses, gadling, up on the ledge can use hit uber long two handed melee to knock me off the ledge. I survive and on my way back up to try again, this *** comes RUNNING down the stairs to kill me and does because I've not healed enough yet. But I figure well, if he can come that far out of his area to kill me then I can lure him off that ledge so I have some room to kite him. Of course, given that the melee range in this game ventures into the absurd where it's next to impossible to judge how far is far enough for someone with a melee weapon (really, this is absolutely absurd! Melee has a limited range! It does not reach out like bows for christ's sake and there is a problem when no matter what distance you are you should block because it will probably hit you no matter what, but I digress)... anyway I lure him off the ledge so not to yet again be batted off it with is uber reaching melee hiit and what do you know? He turns around and runs back in to his little ledge. REALLY? You can chase me down the stairs to kill me when I am less than half health from your hit plus the fall but you won't allow yourself to be lured off your little ledge? I call BS!

Also, does nobody play post game in other areas? Or am I just in the wrong place? I have only seen one other player and he vanished not long after seeing him.

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