My main a Daggerfell Covenant Templar has completed the third leg of Cadwell's Gold in the Ebonhart Pact but for some reason is not getting credit and being sent back to Cadwell in the Harborage. He has done all of the zones in the Ebonhard Pact and completed the main story line and a good portion of the side quests. When he finished the first leg, the Aldmeri Dominion, he was told to contact Cadwell in the Harborage. I did not get this when I finished the main story line in the Ebonhart Pact. I went back to the Daggerfell Harborage and had no luck talking to Cadwell. Clicking on the Gem took me back to the starting point for the Ebonhart Pact. With that I retraced my path through all of the Ebonhart Pact zones (Bleakrock Isle, Bal Toyan, Stonefalls, Deshann, Shadowfen, Eastmarch and finally The Rift. Does anyone know if this is bugged? I don't know what to do at this point other than filing a ticket. Any suggestions?