Heavy armor stamina nightblade

I went to search on google any stamina nightblade heavy armor builds that's recent. I came up with nothing so with that being said are they even worth the time to build up one?
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Medium Armor has the Stamina skills. Heavy Armor is more for Health. I have 5 Medium and 2 Heavy for my NB. I created 5 Night Mother's Gaze and 2 Hunding's Rage. 2 Weapons are Hunding's Rage as well to add to the set buff.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on June 10, 2016 5:43PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • MrTarkanian48
    Don't do it. It not good for PVE or PVP. You're going to want Medium Armor.
    Wood Elf Stam NB (PVP)
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  • GCypher87
    Do it anyway! Unless you're trying to be super competitive you can make it work. You'll just take more hits then other nightblades.
    PC: @Cyffr
  • Kungfu
    I just found this thread because I Googled the same.

    I've been running a glass cannon sniper in Cyrodiil since DB dropped. It's been fun but I'm getting tried of the *glass* part. So I'm in the middle of changing.
    I'm curious what you came up with, if anything. Here's where I'm thinking...

    I'm gonna start with a 2-piece chest & legs of Dreugh King. I'm debating hard whether to put aside agi jewelry and go 5pc Dreugh with another 5pc medium set.

    Morag Tong might result in an interesting amount of weapon damage. But the sustain is gonna ssssssuuuuuuck.
    Plus, I don't think Morag comes in impen. Pretty positive Dreugh doesn't based on my shopping (or else it's insanely rare).

    Or, if you go with a full 5pc heavy armor with only 2 med. I guess it matters very little what you pick. But I'm just not sure it will make you tanky enough or if you're really just sucking away regen and damage to take one extra hit.

    What have you found in your attempts to put a build together?
  • gkitti7
    I tried 2 piece medium with 5 heavy and I still got smashed pretty easy. I ran vicecanon with morhaulis. Basically as a stam blade, your best bet is to go with a full set of night silence. You can stealth and move very far away very quickly. That is how you tank as a night blade.
  • dereck_phantom
    Kungfu wrote: »
    I just found this thread because I Googled the same.

    I've been running a glass cannon sniper in Cyrodiil since DB dropped. It's been fun but I'm getting tried of the *glass* part. So I'm in the middle of changing.
    I'm curious what you came up with, if anything. Here's where I'm thinking...

    I'm gonna start with a 2-piece chest & legs of Dreugh King. I'm debating hard whether to put aside agi jewelry and go 5pc Dreugh with another 5pc medium set.

    Morag Tong might result in an interesting amount of weapon damage. But the sustain is gonna ssssssuuuuuuck.
    Plus, I don't think Morag comes in impen. Pretty positive Dreugh doesn't based on my shopping (or else it's insanely rare).

    Or, if you go with a full 5pc heavy armor with only 2 med. I guess it matters very little what you pick. But I'm just not sure it will make you tanky enough or if you're really just sucking away regen and damage to take one extra hit.

    What have you found in your attempts to put a build together?

    I was think 5pc black rose with 2pc blood spawn both medium or blood spawn kena but I'm stuck on my weapons what I would run
  • DRXHarbinger
    Run dreugh king slayer. Same damage as hundings but less crit but gives permanent brutality. Ideal for DW dagger build.
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  • Kungfu
    I just picked up dreugh chest, legs, and jewelry. I'm gonna try it with a hund bow/2h build using 4pc med hundings & a med Kena. And possibly compare it with a morag tong dw setup of stone sort.

    So far though, it's looking like my weapon damage is through the roof but I only gained like 1k in resists going with only 2pc heavy. Plus my sustain is so bad with the Hunding's setup that I'm gonna have to run drinks.

    Will try to let y'all know after some pvp this weekend if 2pc is even worth the trouble.
  • Hearts_Wake
    Well? What happened?
  • RavenSworn
    Currently using dreugh and hundings. Seems not too bad for night blades.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

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