Hello guys, im bored and i need an mmo to play whit my Oculus Rift.
Used to play ESO on ps4, quitted just before IC dlc.
I had a NB that i LOVED and used as dps and tank.
I remember i started as Stamina and i was effective as both dps and tanking, and oneshotting people whit bow build in pvp, then i remember a change to stamina/shields and i switched to magika. Once again i was OP in syphoning tanking and very broken as dps/pvp.
Dont know anything about the current balance/patch, but if possible id like to play NB again. I love both pve and pvp, both dps and tanking (i LOVED NB tanks!)
What about now? Can i still be versatile whit NB? Best race of the moment? I was an imperial.
Also, i suppose i have to buy the game again to play on pc eh?
Thanks in advance for the answers and please forgive my broken english.
Edited by Arkh__Longstride on June 10, 2016 7:28AM