Did Spell Critical changed?

Before the DB DLC patch, in both action bars, my main destro staff and my dual wielding on the back, would give me the same amount of Spell Criticial: 65% when full Divines, but in my particular current case 57.5% because I still don't have a Molag Kena helmet as Divines. 65% minus 7.5% of a Legendary Divines is 57.5%

However, now these 57.5% that it's the correct as far as I know only appear in my back bar (dual wield). In my destro staff bar I have only 47.9% and I don't know why.

Some details about my character:

- 6/7 pieces of armor Divines as explained above. Because of one is not Divines, 6/7 Legendary
- Apart from Helmet and Shoulder, all remaining 5 pieces are Twice-Born Star and the Mudnus Stones choices are Thief and Shadow (confirmed as active)
- 3 Willpower jewelry as usual
- Destro staff is "generic" and it's still nirnhoned as I didn't have time (or will) to changed it yet. Upgraded to Legendary
- On the back bar, two Sharpened Swords of Torug's Pact (Upgraded to Legendary)
- Undaunted Level 9 and armor set as 5/1/1 Light/Medium/Heavy

The curious thing is that in my Templar, which is NOT with Undaunted maxed and also has 6/7 Divines BUT only 2 of them Legendary (which if I'm not wrong should yield 54.5% of Spell Critical) is currently with 57.5% in dual wield and the expected 54.5% in the staff bar (although it's a resto instead of destro)

Anyone have any insight about what could be happening with my, now you'll laugh, Sorcerer? XD
I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
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