I´m a mmorpg-veteran (started 1995) and pretty much play this genre exclusively. I love those big piles of names in cities and in RvR.I think if you like em great! But walking into Deshann and seeing words all over my screen is less than appealing to me. Out in the great wide world though it is ok.
I was in another thread yesterday arguing about how the new nameplates and @name being visible wasn't a huge deal in any way; and your post made me think: Is it just because I'm older?luen79rwb17_ESO wrote: »Nice adition for the traditional MMO players, but I have them turned off. I'm more of a MMO than an ES player myself but on the contrary to the OP's opinion I find it more "human" to see characters walking around without a bunch of text over their heads.
It all comes down to personal likes. And what's positive about this update is that you are free to choose whatever you like the most.
So all in all, aside my personal likes I share the OP's kudos to the Dev. Team
For Consoles, the @name will be your PSN ID/Xbox Gamer Tag.What is the @name on console ? is it your PS4 account name? Or something else?