Not kidding about VICP NERF...

I am almost embarrassed to admit this, but prior to yesterday, I did not have a no death achievement in this place. My guess is that I am closing in about 100 runs, but I really dont count. If I had a nickle for every 1-death run I saw, I would have a lot of nickles. In my defense, we get a little board in that place and like to pull 2,3, or 4 mobs groups at a time, which can cause a death or three. YOLO corner anyone? But I digress...

Anyway, yesterday after spending a few hours sorting through my inventory and making some gear for some "new" toons, I took my stam DK into ICP. This guy is about 2 weeks old, his class skills are all around level 40, bow I think was at level 38, no Fighters guild or undaunted skills, and did I mention, I have NO CLUE how to play a stam DK. This was my first dungeon experience with this character. First run: No Death. Might have taken this nerf a bit too far...
  • Khaos_Bane
    NERF STA DK NOW !!!!!

    If you are looking for a challenge just join me on the group finder ! This morning I think I was in the lowest DPS group I have ever been in. As the healer, I think I was doing the most DPS. We didn't complete the dungeon btw.
  • XaXa
    What exactly was nerfed in the dungeons? Felt easier but i couldnt pinpoint it.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    NERF STA DK NOW !!!!!

    Totally different debate. I think VMA Axe/Dagger will probably get a nerf sooner rather than later. They are really what make Stam DK OP.

    That being said, I was maybe pulling 18-20k on this guy. That is NOT OP in the slightest. Stam DK is a completely new rotation for me that has nothing in the way of heals or damage mitigation, and is as melee as you can get. ICP should not be this much of a cakewalk for a brand new toon like this. Also, I was with a good group, but they arent the group I usually run with and we were all messing with new stuff.

    I can already see how stam DKs are pulling the numbers they pull in a proper raid setting, but they are squishy little things by themselves with no mobility or range. Not exactly Ideal for a no death run.
  • Khaos_Bane
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    NERF STA DK NOW !!!!!

    Totally different debate. I think VMA Axe/Dagger will probably get a nerf sooner rather than later. They are really what make Stam DK OP.

    That being said, I was maybe pulling 18-20k on this guy. That is NOT OP in the slightest. Stam DK is a completely new rotation for me that has nothing in the way of heals or damage mitigation, and is as melee as you can get. ICP should not be this much of a cakewalk for a brand new toon like this. Also, I was with a good group, but they arent the group I usually run with and we were all messing with new stuff.

    I can already see how stam DKs are pulling the numbers they pull in a proper raid setting, but they are squishy little things by themselves with no mobility or range. Not exactly Ideal for a no death run.

    Yeah the NERF STA DK was a joke btw
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    XaXa wrote: »
    What exactly was nerfed in the dungeons? Felt easier but i couldnt pinpoint it.

    From what I can tell, they simply removed every one-shot mechanic, and reduced a lot of the trash pulls. That is really what made the achievement tricky. The watchers dont seem to spawn much if anything in the way of adds anymore, and I am not totally sure the hoarvers can one-shot you. I didnt see it happen anyway. I dont think the flesh atros will enrage anymore either, but again, not 100% sure on that. The bosses didnt feel all that different, but the trash pulls (which are what made this place tough) are way easier. As for the last boss, I felt like you had more time to get to the portals and his machine gun mechanic can be blocked with ease. Not totally sure on the portals though, because usually we skip those on this fight.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    NERF STA DK NOW !!!!!

    Totally different debate. I think VMA Axe/Dagger will probably get a nerf sooner rather than later. They are really what make Stam DK OP.

    That being said, I was maybe pulling 18-20k on this guy. That is NOT OP in the slightest. Stam DK is a completely new rotation for me that has nothing in the way of heals or damage mitigation, and is as melee as you can get. ICP should not be this much of a cakewalk for a brand new toon like this. Also, I was with a good group, but they arent the group I usually run with and we were all messing with new stuff.

    I can already see how stam DKs are pulling the numbers they pull in a proper raid setting, but they are squishy little things by themselves with no mobility or range. Not exactly Ideal for a no death run.

    Yeah the NERF STA DK was a joke btw

    Hard to tell for sure, but you certainly wont be the last one to say it. :smile:

    I mean it's no secret why I rolled one 2 weeks ago. In my defense, I have always wanted to play a kittykat, but the changes to the stam morphs coupled with VMA weapons was too hard to pass up. I dont think Stam DKs are worth much without VMA weapons though. I mean they can still be good, but I dont think they will break any records. VMA Axe/Dagger on a stam DK is the single biggest DPS increase an item can give you in this game.
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