Hi fellow players and ZOS team,
Thanks for the DB hype and new content! I logged on today and played a bit and found some issues with the group tool:
1. It takes a long time, really long time to queue up for a random dungeon group despite all these people on and I was queueing as healer or dps.
2. When queueing up, sometimes it still gets more than 4 players for 4-people content. Please kindly fix this.
3. You may be trying to punish random dungeon group quiters by introducing the 15 min gap before we can queue again. But the Captain can still disband the group, which was what happened to me today. I queued for random, finally got in a group, just about to travel, the Captain disbanded the group, so then I couldn't queue for another 15 min! This has serious problems:
- if I only have 1 hour to play and I log on to do a random dungeon and this happens, it means 15 mins will be wasted before I can start to queue again for who knows how long to get in another group.
- what if the next queue group after 15 min wait that I get in gets disbanded again? that's another 15 mins.
- someone who forgets that s/he is on queue but doesn't want to actually do random, gets a random group and is the captain, then disband the group?
- what if everyone else quit with me left so I will get auto transported out of instance, do I have to wait another 15 min although I was not the one who wanted to quit?
4. This 15 min punishment mechanics actually is encouraging people to find guildies or friends they know with high abilities to do random dungeons, rather than more willing to queue up for a REAL random, because now people know that if they random into a less efficient or full of newbies group and want to quit they need to wait 15 min for another random group, so they'd rather find trusted high ability people in stead of REAL random. Then this will decrease the chance that beginners/casual players/less experienced players to randomly group with more experienced players and learn how to improve, and eventually the gap between the former and the latter may get bigger because random group a lot of times is the instance when players get to know others, unless they join a guild. But based on my experience with the game, beginners and casual players may not want to or are afraid to or don't know how to join a guild. I know that many players are awesome in ESO and are willing to help those less experienced, but I myself with 380 CP, done all vet dungeons easily and HRHM, SO, AAHM, when I get in a REAL random group with newbies, in which the tank doesn't block, the mag sorc uses bow and pet, and 1 boss in Banished cell takes 10 minutes to kill, I will be very impatient. I would love to help new players if they have questions or want to learn more, just don't let me get in a 1 hour random normal when I can go with my guildies and finish it in 10 min or less.
IMO, 5 min inhibition of queue is much better than 15 min, because 5 min is still a substantial amount of time if you really want to put a timer. Also it may help to add some benefit for 1 man queueing up for REAL random (compared to having 4 people ready and queue for random instance), like more experience or more dmg or defense. Or, add some benefit for high level players/high CP players to be queued with low level/CP players (maybe the benefit can be calculated based on the level/CP difference, for example 1 level difference is 2% benefit, but 10 level difference is 20% benefit), like both get more experience, gold and better chance to drop items. And pls fix the captain disbanding or everyone else quitting making me also have to wait 15 min issue (instead maybe make the person who quits/disbands suffer the 15 min wait and those who do nothing with the group formation with no punishment?).
I hope this can help make the game better!