Hey all ! I have some friends who wants to play the game but as an archer and I kinda get sad every time because archers suck in PvE and PvP . Bow is the best weapon for back bar on every stamina class for PvE but if you want to use it for main weapon , you just better go jump from somewhere . Your suicide damage will do more DPS than you would do in actual combat . Anyways , I have some suggestions for Bow to make it viable when it comes to Ranged Stamina DD in PvE . The main idea is making 3 kinds of Bows . It goes like this : Longbow , Shortbow and Crossbow . Skills and passives will work like Destruction Staff skills and passives .
My ideas for skills are :
Longbow : Does more DPS as you get further from target . Some skills deal posion damage . ( More viable in PvE when there are lots of area you can shoot boss from ) Has higher range in all bow skills .
Shortbow : Has stable DPS and have utility buffs for melee users . Some skills deal bleeding . ( More viable in places like MA and also viable in PvP )
Crossbow : Has stable DPS with DPS buffs . No DoT but higher instant damage . ( More viable in PvP if you want more damage instead of utility )
Poison Arrow : Doesn't change for any kind of bow . Because it is a very good skill as is and all bows can fire a poisoned arrow regardless of their type .
Volley : All 3 options should deal the same DPS overall but should be viable for every playstyle .
Longbow : Increased range , duration and radius . Deals poison damage .
Shortbow : Increased damage but same range , duration and radius . Deals bleeding .
Crossbow : Shoots one sharpened arrow to the target location . Small radius . The arrow will hit after 1.5 seconds ( Ranged version of Uppercut . Easy to avoid/counter but deals big damage . ) Deals big instant damage to the targets in the area and knocks down the enemies inside .
Scatter Shot : Only Hard CC for Bow and I thought all bow types should have it .
Longbow : Longest range of them all .
Shortbow : Medium range . Gives Minor Expedition for some duration .
Crossbow : Deals instant damage if your target is stunned . ( Tried to synergize with Volley )
Arrow Spray : This is one of the most useful skills in Bow line for PvP so I tried to not ruin that .
Longbow : Same as is . Poison Damage ( DoT ) Reveals invisibe enemies .
Shortbow : Shoots arrows around you ( in a reasonable radius ) . Reveals invisible enemies . Bleeding Damage ( DoT )
Crossbow : Shoots an arrow in front of you . Hits for 50% more damage if it hits an invisible enemy . Reveals invisible enemies .
Snipe : This is a good ganking skill and I tried to make it viable for both PvE , PvP and ganking .
Longbow : Shoots 5 arrows rapidly in 1 second . Like a ranged version of Flurry .
Shortbow : 1 instant damage with bleeding on it ( Rending Slashes ) . Deals more damage if you are closer to the target . Also gives Minor Resist buffs . ( thought it would be better like this if someone wants to go with 2 bows for certain situations )
Crossbow : Just like Snipe on live . Requires casting .
Passives will work the same way like Destruction Staff passives do .
I think these kind of changes can make Bow more viable as a main weapon . If you ask me , I don't care at all , I play a tank but I have lots of friends who wants to play as an archer . My first character was an archer also ^^
About burst damage I suggested to crossbow , I don't think it will be a problem since there are no cooldowns on gap closers and it should be less damage than Two-Handed since Bow weapon's base damage is lower .
Give me your thoughts . Try to be constructive instead of '' Are you crazy ?! This will break the game ! '' Give suggestions to make Bow better .