Phinix Addon-Powered UI

A complete self-configuring UI overhaul for ESO!


What is PhinixUI?

A collection of addons which, working together, provides the most comprehensive and stylish UI experience possible. Popular features such as buff and debuff tracking, Minimap, combat mods, damage meters, group and raid frame overhauls, inventory management and style tracking, and more, all synergize in a minimally invasive way to give you what you need without all you don't.

Most important, PhinixUI does all the configuration for you. All you have to do is install the addons you want from the main list (recommended to install ALL of these), any you want from the optional list, and using a simple in-game interface, PhinixUI configures all of them for you instantly! It will automatically detect whichever supported addons you actually have installed and populate the list accordingly. You can even select which addons you want to have it configure and which to leave as-is.

NOTE: Certain supported addons are de-selected by default. Specifically, Wykkyd's Macros and Wykkyd's Outfitter addons. If you use these and haven't set them up yet on a character, it is recommended to manually select them to build all the structure the first time you run /pui on a character, and then leave them un-checked whenever you run PhinixUI again.

  • The first step is to back up your current configuration. Locate your \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables and copy wither the whole folder or it's contents to a safe place.
  • Next, preferably with Minion, download the addons that you want in the Core Components list below (recommended you install ALL of these) and any from the Optional Extras list. Download PhinixUI the same way.
  • Start the game. Click the Addons button at your character select screen and make sure all the installed addons are checked. Also make sure "Allow Out of Date Addons" is checked.
  • Log in to any of your characters. Type /pui or optionally set a keybinding to open the PhinixUI interface. Select any installed supported addons you want it to configure, and click the run button. (You will have to do this once on each of your other characters as well to get them completely set up.)

That's it! The UI is automatically reloaded and the changes should take effect instantly.

Core Components
(Highly recommended you install all of these)
Advanced Filters by: Randactyl, ingeniousclown
AwesomeGuildStore by: sirinsidiator
Azurah by: Kith, Garkin, Phinix, Sounomi
Chat Window Manager by: Phinix
Clock - Tamriel Standard Time by: Tyx

Combat Cloud by: Sideshow, Garkin, Phinix
This one is optional, awesome customized floating battle text. I had been using the game's new version, but I recommend at least trying Combat Cloud. If you decide to install this to test, PhinixUI will automatically turn off the default combat text where appropriate and configure Combat Cloud it for a very nice initial layout.

Crafting Material Level Display by: Ayantir, Baertram
Destinations by: SnowmanDK, Fyrakin
Emacs by: Ayantir
FCOItemSaver by: Baertram
Foundry Tactical Combat (Hist Updates) by: Atropos, Philgo68, Demiknight
Harven's AS to LAM adapter by: Harven
Harven's Stack Split Slider by: Harven
HarvestMap (EsoheadMarkers) by: Shinni
Inventory Simpler Meter Icons (version by: Nolan Kotulan
libAddonKeybinds by: merlight
LibAddonMenu by: sirinsidiator, Seerah
Lootdrop, Continued (All in One) by: Ayantir, Pawkette
LoreBooks by: Garkin, Ayantir
Lost Treasure by: CrazyDutchGuy
Map Coordinates by: Garkin, Ayantir, Fyrakin

For the Minimap (I personally recommend Votan's Mini Map):
Votan's Mini Map by: votan - If you are having problems with performance when using Fyrakin's Minimap, install this addon instead.
MiniMap by: Fyrakin - Alternately (do NOT use both) you can install this minimap. Very nice and has border pins and other unique features, but may have some stuttering when moving between zones if you have a ton of custom map pins.

MiniMap Map API refences by: Fyrakin (Only if using Fyrakin's Minimap)
MultiCraft by: DonutEnigma, Ayantir
No, thank you! by: Garkin, Ayantir
pChat by: Puddy, Ayantir
Potion Maker by: facit, Khrill, votan
RP Target Frame by: Phinix
Show Motifs by: mra4nii, Phinix
SkyShards by: Garkin, Ayantir
SpentSkillPoints by: Shinni
Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker by: silentgecko, Garkin, Kith
Thief's Knapsack by: oGMo
Votan's Achievements Overview by: votan
Votan's Fish Fillet by: votan
Votan's Fisherman by: votan
Votan's Improved Locations by: votan
Votan's Improved Quests by: votan
Votan's Keybinder by: Votan
Weapon Charge Alert by: katkat42, Harven, ingeniousclown
Wykkyd's Framework by: Ravalox Darkshire, Balkoth68, Wykkyd
Wykkyd's Outfitter by: Ravalox Darkshire, Balkoth68, Wykkyd
Wykkyd's Full Immersion by: Ravalox Darkshire, Balkoth68, Wykkyd

Optional Extras
(Also highly recommended but not strictly necessary.)

Important Notes:

There are a couple points you should be aware of:
  • Go to your game settings, and select Addon Settings, and you will see a list of all the addons. Here you can manually tweak their individual options. For example, if you want Harvest Map to track more things like mining nodes you can enable it here.
  • If you go to your game Controls, you will find options for addons with configurable key bindings here as well. Two that should be set are: for Foundry Tactical, you should set a key bind to show/hide the damage summary (DPS statistics showing what abilities did what damage), and for Wykkyd's Full Immersion, set a binding for On/Off (the first option) to show/hide the compass.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments, and enjoy!

Download PhinixUI at

Edited by Phinix1 on December 29, 2016 8:07AM
  • Phinix1
    Updated for Dark Brotherhood!

    BONUS: Updated the Azurah addon with the option to hide the @accountname from the target frame for RP purposes. This is enabled by default in this UI configuration.

  • smee_z

    Hey @Phinix1

    How do you show the compass back at the top again?
    PC NA

    Games are meant to be played.

    Back in Auriel's Bow 1.0, I have thought that the best way to handicap a faction with the HUGE pop advantage is to temporarily disable their grouping functionality and their ability to fight in 3rd person point of view! Let's see if these do not even up the odds.
  • Phinix1
    @smee_z set a keybind for Wykkyd's Full Immersion to show/hide and you can hit that key. Since the only thing it is configured to hide is the compass, you basically have a keybind to show/hide the compass.

    Go into your game controls and look for the above addon to set the keybind.
  • Rezic
    Soul Shriven
    This looks great, I will definitely try this out.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Kaladin Darkfire | Galēnos | Syl the Wanderer | Rejic Orodruin |Jezrien Windrunner | Szeth-Ra
  • Phinix1
    UPDATE: New addons included. Review required addons and re-download! (6-11-16)
    • Improved performance of the minimap: should no longer stutter when changing zones.
    • Now includes Harvest Map to show node locations on the map. Configured to only show chests, heavy sacks, thief troves, and enchanting runes.
    • More...

  • Phinix1

    Link updated to new config addon which eliminates the need to manually configure the files.

    Now all you have to do is download the addons in the list and the new PhinixUI addon.

    Type /pui in-game to automatically configure them all!

    Edited by Phinix1 on June 14, 2016 5:48AM
  • Phinix1
    Version 0.22beta:
    - Added support for AUI (only uses the minimap module) as an alternative to Fyrakin's Minimap for those having problems with performance. AUI has no border pins but otherwise is just as good and looks exactly the same. Make sure to check "Allow Outdated Addons." Only install Fyrakin's Minimap OR AUI, not both.

    Edited by Phinix1 on June 15, 2016 9:27PM
  • Phinix1
    Version 0.23beta:
    - Added support for Combat Cloud by: Sideshow, Garkin, Phinix, and also updated that addon for Dark Brotherhood.
  • Phinix1
    Version 0.25beta:
    • Added Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting) by: facit, Khrill, votan to supperted addons.
    • Updated variables for No, Thank You and Fyrakin's Minimap.
    • Various minor tweaks.
  • Snowminotaur
    this is perfect!

    Thanks for setting this up.

    all in one place. i never had nearly as much addons due to the tedious setups but this really made everything simple.

    Highly recommended to all, experienced and new users
  • Phinix1
    Version 1.0:
    • Updated for new changes to Srendarr.
    • No longer clears Srendarr blacklist/prominent settings when running /pui again.
    • Minor layout improvements.
  • Phinix1
    Version 1.4:
    • Created preliminary assignment for new Srendarr Prominent bars 1 and 2 and gave default positions.
      - Will not appear unless you assign something to them in Srendarr options.
    • Bar 1 is on the left of the player Bar 2 is on the right.
    • Updated Azurah quest tracker position
    • Updated for new Srendarr time display options.
    • New configuration for AUI. Uses minimap by default (can be disabled in Addon Settings AUI Modules if you use a different map). If you enable the action bar module /pui will now automatically detect it and adjust the position for enchant and poison tracking. Must run /pui again after making changes to AUI action bar module settings.
    • Horse feeding will now be disabled from the top toolbar if the current character has 60/60/60 training.
    • Added support for Votan's Minimap, which I now recommend as the default.
    • Minor tweaks and changed descriptions a bit.
    • Harvens AS to LAM adapter to recommended addon list (to put Votan's mini map settings in the same Addon Settings section as everything else).
    Changes to recommended list, please review.

    Edited by Phinix1 on July 13, 2016 2:00PM
  • DMuehlhausen
    Does it basically default to this look, cause this is essentially how I would set my own up if I took the time to piece it together :)
  • DMuehlhausen
    Hmm..None of these addons are coming up when I search them in Minion...
  • Phinix1
    @DMuehlhausen yes it defaults to how you see it in the video/screenshots once you install everything and type /pui in-game.

    You need to click the Find More tab at the top in Minion before searching, otherwise it is searching only addons you already have installed. ;)
  • DMuehlhausen
    @Phinix1 Yeah sorry about that. I hadn't used minion before and didn't see the Find more :).

    That being said one thing I'm noticing that is off is the compass map and the minimap. It's overlayed but not right on top of each other. So I'm seeing part of the compass map behind the mini map. It doesn't really cause issues just annoying to see. How do I unlock those to addons? I'm not sure which ones they are named.
    Edited by DMuehlhausen on July 22, 2016 3:45PM
  • Phinix1
    Major update! (Review OP and addon lists).

    Added a new UI app to manually select which available addons to configure. Helpful for telling the addon not to re-configure things like wykkyd's Macros or Outfitter once you have the base structure set (both now supported and unchecked by default).

    Type /pui or set a key binding to open the selector.

    Included option to load incoming-only text with Combat Cloud, which is something not tracked well/at all by the game's combat text. Recommend enabling all game combat text when using this option.

    Also some improvements to Azurah config (Telvar/Infamy location), and more general maintenance and tweaks.
  • DMuehlhausen

    So is there a way to still have the compass, either the default on or a modified one? I'm noticing I run by a lot of quest givers because they aren't showing up on the compass as I get near them.
  • Phinix1
    @DMuehlhausen yes you can still see the compass. The addon which is hiding it is Wykkyd's Full Immersion. You can go into your key bindings, in the addon section, and find this addon. There you can set a keybind to toggle the compass on and off to show/hide it when you want.
  • DMuehlhausen
    @Phinix1 Is there a reason on any new character, or if I log into another character that I haven't played for a bit that typing in /pui doesn't do anything for the interface?
  • Phinix1
    @Phinix1 Is there a reason on any new character, or if I log into another character that I haven't played for a bit that typing in /pui doesn't do anything for the interface?

    If you enable or disable addons from the main characters select screen, that selection applies to all characters. However, if you enable or disable an addon while logged in to a certain character, those changes will only apply to that character.

    First thing to check would be from the main character select addon options, if any addons have the box partially checked. That means some characters have it enabled and some don't. You can click the box to cycle through until it is fully enabled and it should appear for all characters.

    Also, if an addon is disabled from the main character select screen options it may be that you have manually enabled it on your other characters, in which case new characters would be getting the default setting of disabled.
  • Phinix1
    Version 1.12.3:
    (Core list updated, please review!)
    • In-game app now properly handles setting the correct custom UI scale (very close to default which is 1, custom is 0.97202700). Just barely a noticeable change that makes the overall UI "fit" the addons better.
    • Detects Combat Cloud and automatically disables built-in combat text when using the "Show All" option to avoid duplicates/overlapping combat text. Enables default combat text when Combat Cloud is not installed or set to "Incoming Only."
    • Automatically sets required game settings to hide ultimate numbers (handled by Azurah), hide the weapon indicator (handled by weapon charge alert), always show the action bar, disable loot history (handled by LootDrop), and use consolidated auto loot (doesn't set auto loot for stolen).
    • Improved settings for Harvest Map. Allows SAVING of all node types, so you can build your database, but does't SHOW all types (only chests, sacks, troves, etc.) to save performance. Can easily enable showing other nodes from the main map, filter settings (on the right) and all saved nodes of all types will be there.
    • Many other tweaks and improvements.

    Edited by Phinix1 on December 17, 2016 10:41AM
  • Phinix1
    Version 1.12.4:
    • Fixed the problem where different screen resolutions could result in the Minimaps, Tamriel Clock, and Wykkyd Toolbar not lining up properly.
    • Changes to FCO Item Saver module filter icon behavior for clarity and consistency. Also all filters now default to off.
    • Moved several addons from the Core list to the Optional list. Please review and re-run /pui in-game.
    • Minor tweaks and improvements.

    Edited by Phinix1 on December 28, 2016 9:50PM
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