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[PvP Build Suggestion] - Another Argonian Sap Tank

Hey guys,

this isnt a "Guide" yet, its more like a discussion about my suggestions waht I think could work well in PvP.
Before I start I have to say that im not a native speaker, so I'm sorry for grammar issues / bad reading, furthermore I havent tested this build yet, I just did some theorycrafting and wanna know what u guys think (maybe even some1 of u guys can test it, cuz I'm only V1 yet).


7/7 Heavy, all impen
All points into magicka
Enchants: All Magicka; Jewelry: 2x Spell dmg, 1x Magregen
Mundos: Ritual
Food: Tristat food (or even only +HP and Mag)
CP: around 6% quick recovery and 10% blessed, rest is standard

Swoard and Board (buff) bar: 5 Armormaster, 3 Bahrahas Curse, 4 Magnus
Dual Wield (dps) bar: 5 Bahrhas Curse, 3 Armormaster, 4 Magnus

The Idea behind this build is to have high resistances (30k+ Phys/Mag) and high crit resistances, while still have enough dmg via dual wield and sustain through sap essence and all those heals.
U basically play with the basic skillsof a sap tank but use unstoppable every 7 seconds so u dont need to permablock against all those cc's. I hope ur heals with those resistances are higher to outheal/-dmg 2-3 oppoenents without blockcasting, so u just use ur stamina for unstoppable. U lightattack weave with dual wield swords between ur attacks, so I assume that 1,2k mag regen will be enough.

U have on 1 bar 5 Armormaster and proc it with unstopaable, so u have to switch every ~6-7 seconds and recast it.

U could go 3 Magnus and use a restoration staff for regenreation if its needed (still, I havent tested all those things).

I aim for:
34k+ Magicka
25k+ HP
15k+ Stam
1,3k mag regen

~2900 Spelldmg buffed (considering the 200 Heavyarmor spelldmg with DB patch!)

So u still have "ok" dmg for 1v1, 1vx but great sustain and being an unstoppable leeching machine. U have:

+8% for having Swallow Soul slotted
+10% for the ritual mundus stone
+9% for the Argonian passive
+9% for the Soul Siphoner passive
+7% Heavy Armor Passive
+~15% Champion Points

= 56% Bonus Heal and pretty much ignore Battle Spirit. U can also consider Malubeth and go with 2 Pc torug/seduce and Atronach Mundus, but i rate permamanet 10% more heal from ritual and more regen/spelldmg/max magicka higher. Well again, I sill need to test it around, basically the key form this build is the high resistances with good dmg and that u dont have to blockcasting everything because of unstoppable and high resistances.

What do u guys think about that Idea?
  • Torbschka
    @Autolycus (just because I think u know much more than I do in terms of Saptanking and those kind of stuff (leeching etc), so I would really appreciate some feedback from you). If u not interested, im sorry and just ignore this^^
  • Autolycus
    I'm happy to provide some insight. Perhaps @ThatNeonZebraAgain would like to contribute to this as well.

    Overall it looks pretty good so far. There are a few suggestions I would make: If you plan on running full heavy, then perhaps consider something other than Armor Master, which is most valuable for light and medium armor. With Armor Master and Unstoppable you're going to be well over the resistances caps (in a similar setup I hit something like 37k phys and 40k spell resist). For pvp this isn't such a bad thing, because everything above the hard cap is a cushion against people running penetration. So this could actually work quite well, but if you haven't put it together yet, explore something else (like maybe heavy Clever Alchemist or Twice-Born Star). However, if you would like to continue with Armor Master, take a look at running Elude/Shuffle from Medium Armor instead. The 20% dodge chance is going to be much more valuable in this setup than that extra bit of resistances (remember, dodge is more effective against penetration too, because you won't be getting hit at all).

    I like the concept of offsetting Battle Spirit with the Ritual and Argonian passives, and the numbers look good. This might not be what you're looking for, but I see some interesting synergy potential between Bahraha's Curse, Twice-Born Star, and Malubeth 2set here (which gives more healing received). If you did that, you could use BC jewelry and crafted TBS and get the full benefit of all sets on both bars. But I see what you're trying to do with your gear setup here too, and I think it's a good concept. With this setup I'd probably go for Ritual / Mage or Ritual / Apprentice.

    With 1H&S, Evasion, and full heavy (also consider doing 5/1/1 for undaunted, the extra magicka will help you out) you should be resilient enough without relying too heavily on your sets. What you're going for here is going to require more player skill than reliance on sets alone; you need to be able to anticipate where you enemies are going and what they're doing, and you'll need to force players to stand in your Bahraha's procs. To do this, put Agony (I recommend Prolonged Suffering morph) on your bar, and as soon as BC procs, hit them with Prolonged Suffering, Cripple, and then Lotus Fan. This sets you up to spam Concealed Weapon, and in some cases the dots alone will kill them.

    Near-full heavy will give you good resistances to work with, and when you do take damage you have a great deal of healing to offset it, so I suggest taking advantage of your ability to heal by supplementing your damage. If you can bump that SD up closer to 3.5k buffed in this setup, your saps, swallow souls, and tethers are going hit harder, which means higher heals too. Don't give up your max magicka to do this. If anything, you can afford to lose (at most) 2k stamina running tri-stat food, but remember to keep your Siphoning Attacks active.

    Make sure you have Alchemy maxed out and take advantage of those passives. A potion with Detection, Major Sorcery, and Major Intellect will work very well for you in this setup. Or, if you prefer to get your Major Sorcery from Sap Essence, then do Detection, Major Intellect, and Immovable.
    Edited by Autolycus on May 27, 2016 2:43PM
  • Torbschka
    Thank you for the detailed information!

    There are defeinitely some interesting suggestions. I have to say that I also considered which set's I want to use with Armormaster, but havent really considered to drop Armormaster yet honestly. The reason is, basically I know how to play "sap tank" in pvp, at least a magicka DK in heavy. I mean, u blockcasting and permablocking everthing etc. and fight around your resources slowly, but my problem with that was usually that I felt like a "turtle with some spikes". The whole reason to creat this build was to go away from this permablocking thing, especially since with the new patch heavy armor wont benefit blocking exclusively.

    Therefore I had the following suggestions to "my new build":

    1. I need high selfheal, to outheal the incoming dmg, therefore (Ritual + other passives)
    2. I need high damage mitigation and (35k+ resistance, mirage 20% dodge chance, 7x impen)
    3. I need enough DMG to actually kill stuff, last but not least (dual wield, 1 spell dmg set, 2-3 spell dmg glyphs, 35k+ magicka)
    4. I need enough sustain to constantly keep my magicka and stamina up siphonic attacks,(because I dont block, at least in meele i light weave attacks)

    Regarding to your recommendation of shuffle. Yes, I defenitely with u, 20% dodge chance is to good to pass by, therefore I use mirage. I really want to try it with unstoppable, because armor master only lasts 10 seconds and since I have to recast it every 6-7 seconds I would be 100% of the time with 30k+ resistances (which I dont bother with, because every1 will have any form of armor penetraion, Im even fine if i reach around 35k) an selfhealing machine with decent damage, but sure, thats the theory. I really like your approach about TBS, I also was considering it but i would rather drop Bahrahas (never tested it by myself. I also thought about dropping 4 Magnus for 4 Leeching plate, that would be another 8% selfheal and maybe instea use a differenct mundus.

    I really like armor master because it adds me some flexibility and a "niche thing", because I only have those 5 traits on one bar (I could do same with alchemy-master, so I also need to test that, thanks for your advive, I really appreciate it!)

    Well u guys see, it 's so much theory, I really need to test all taht stuff once (well, right now i "should" write my master-thesis, so I dont have much time) I get everything together, because the above 4 points together really are my kind of playstyle. Lets see how far I can make it ^^

    Do u think I should even considering running a restro staff and play with 4 body pieces of armor master and 3 magnus / different set?

    I really appreciate all your feedback and the your constructice criticism!
  • MuddledMuppet
    Great discussion guys
  • susmitds
    I think Altmer might be a bit better choice here.
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