Hey guys,
this isnt a "Guide" yet, its more like a discussion about my suggestions waht I think could work well in PvP.
Before I start I have to say that im not a native speaker, so I'm sorry for grammar issues / bad reading, furthermore I havent tested this build yet, I just did some theorycrafting and wanna know what u guys think (maybe even some1 of u guys can test it, cuz I'm only V1 yet).
7/7 Heavy, all impen
All points into magicka
Enchants: All Magicka; Jewelry: 2x Spell dmg, 1x Magregen
Mundos: Ritual
Food: Tristat food (or even only +HP and Mag)
CP: around 6% quick recovery and 10% blessed, rest is standard
Swoard and Board (buff) bar: 5 Armormaster, 3 Bahrahas Curse, 4 Magnus
Dual Wield (dps) bar: 5 Bahrhas Curse, 3 Armormaster, 4 Magnus
The Idea behind this build is to have high resistances (30k+ Phys/Mag) and high crit resistances, while still have enough dmg via dual wield and sustain through sap essence and all those heals.
U basically play with the basic skillsof a sap tank but use unstoppable every 7 seconds so u dont need to permablock against all those cc's. I hope ur heals with those resistances are higher to outheal/-dmg 2-3 oppoenents without blockcasting, so u just use ur stamina for unstoppable. U lightattack weave with dual wield swords between ur attacks, so I assume that 1,2k mag regen will be enough.
U have on 1 bar 5 Armormaster and proc it with unstopaable, so u have to switch every ~6-7 seconds and recast it.
U could go 3 Magnus and use a restoration staff for regenreation if its needed (still, I havent tested all those things).
I aim for:
34k+ Magicka
25k+ HP
15k+ Stam
1,3k mag regen
~2900 Spelldmg buffed (considering the 200 Heavyarmor spelldmg with DB patch!)
So u still have "ok" dmg for 1v1, 1vx but great sustain and being an unstoppable leeching machine. U have:
+8% for having Swallow Soul slotted
+10% for the ritual mundus stone
+9% for the Argonian passive
+9% for the Soul Siphoner passive
+7% Heavy Armor Passive
+~15% Champion Points
= 56% Bonus Heal and pretty much ignore Battle Spirit. U can also consider Malubeth and go with 2 Pc torug/seduce and Atronach Mundus, but i rate permamanet 10% more heal from ritual and more regen/spelldmg/max magicka higher. Well again, I sill need to test it around, basically the key form this build is the high resistances with good dmg and that u dont have to blockcasting everything because of unstoppable and high resistances.
What do u guys think about that Idea?