With the upcoming changes to the Vampire's and Werewolves I thought it would be a good idea to discuss possible future additions that could be added to the player transformation list, there are many things that people can become in ES Lore, yet like so many ES games for some reason we are limited to Vampire's and Werewolves, If ZoS ever added additional transformations then what would you like to see and what skills and passives would you like them to have?
This is an idea that could be potentially added with Vvardenfell
CORPRUS VICTIM / ASH CREATURE > and yes Corprus does exist in this time period as the Dragonstar Arena has Corprus Stalkers as enemies, for those who don't have a clue what Corprus is, here is some lore behind it, it is the Divine Disease that was spread throughout Vvardenfell during the events of Morrowind, the Nerevarine unavoidingly contracts it during the fight with an ash priest named "Dagoth Gares" In morrowind it provides a basic form of Immortality, Immunity to Disease and greater strength but also damages the brain cells basically turning the victim into a rather powerful zombie, The Nerevarine however manages to take control of the Corprus after paying a visit to the Ancient Mage-Lord Divayth Fyr.
At certain times the player can encounter ash ghouls around the red mountain region that are ripe with the corprus disease, catching Corprus from them would be like getting infected by a bloodfiend or a werewolf and when you are infected it can lead you on a short quest to visit an Ash Priest or Ash Vampire at a 6th house shrine to help you instead take control of it, now if you wanted to cure the corprus it would be a simple method of visiting the one and only Divayth Fyr, now In Morrowind he states that the cure he came up with has always been fatal to the person who consumes it but as the Vestige you don't have to worry about dying so the cure will kill the player and you can just respawn and Morrowind's lore would remain intact in the process because techcnally the vestige could survive not surviving.
Of course once you take control it would give you a variety of different abilities and passives such as...
Ultimate / Dagoth's Blessing - For 12 seconds create a seal on the ground, anyone who stands in the seal has all recourse regeneration values negated.
Morph 1 / Dagoth's Favor - Also Adds Major Fracture and Major Breach to enemies within the spells radius for 12 Seconds.
Morph 2 / Dagoth's Boon - No longer targets enemies but instead targets allies, those who stand within the spells radius gain 10% extra health, Immunity to Disease Based Damage and both Minor Sorcery and Minor Brutality for 12 Seconds.
Ability 1 / Vile Bile - Puke on all enemies in front of you dealing XXXX Disease Damage an additional XXXX damage over 5 seconds
Morph 1 / Regurgitate - Also Snares enemies by 70% for 6 Seconds and grants you minor Expedition for 10 seconds
Morph 2 / Sickness - Also Causes Attackers to deal 15% Less Damage for 6 Seconds and grants you minor brutality for 10 seconds
Ability 2 / Infected Armaments - For 15 Seconds all standard attack to have a small chance to deal an extra XXXX points of Disease Damage with each hit
Morph 1 / Fatal Armaments - Also gives a smaller chance to lower enemies recourses by 10% for 5 seconds
Morph 2 / Painful Armaments - Also gives a chance to grant you Minor Heroism with every hit
Corprus Abilties
These are basically the Corprus version of the passive weakness's such as Vampires having a weakness to fire.
- Resist 10% Fire Damage
- Magicka Regeneration is reduced by 20%
- Health Regeneration is increased by 20%
- Merchants are hesitant to buy and sell goods to you increasing the price of items by 5% and lowering the price they will buy things from you by 5%
Passive Abilties
- Corprus Stalker / Deal 35% greater damage with all disease based effects and take 35% less damage to disease based effects
- Flesh of Lorkhan / Take 5% less damage from all light and heavy attacks
- Contagious / Once per week you can infect another player with Corprus disease at the 6th house shrine
- Infectious Aura / 20% chance to cause melee attackers to take XXX points of disease damage
- Heartwright / Magicka regeneration penalty is reduced by 50%
You would also gain some pigment or some subtle change to your character to show they have the divine disease.
Basically that is an example of what one such transformation could be but there are other things that could be added and would be lore-friendly such as a Hagraven Transformation and a Briarheart Transformation that could be added with a Reach DLC and even a Lich Transformation which could feature a passive that grants you a small chance to avoid death when health reaches 0, even potential Polymorphs could be added as skins for the Werewolf form such as a Wereboar skin that makes you look like a boar and replaces wolf sounds with pig sounds.
Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on May 27, 2016 2:47AM