This might sound like an unusual request but I got to thinking about it when I saw the new Dro-m'Athra Senche.
Can we get quests or something associated with Crown Store purchases? Like, content to play rather than just, "Here's your magic cat-horse."
One of the things which bugs me and prevents me from purchasing things like the Dro-m'Athra or the Nightmare steed, or the various daedric pets is that they don't seem to fit my character. Not in the sense of "Oh that's lore breaking." or any of that, I understand that the lore in Tamriel is dynamic an subject to change. What I mean is that, there's no reason for my character to have it. I din't do anything for it. Just one day I don't have it, the next day I do.
What I would love would be, on purchase, to instead of just getting the mount, get a quest added to my journal, or a lore book which started a quest added to my inventory. Let it take me on an epic journey, a quest which shows me where this item I'm purchasing fits into the world and how it becomes relevant to my character's story. Something I can play through on time and actually -acquire- this mount, actually feel som sort of connection to this new pet that follows me around because I had to earn it's trust, or save it rom an evil necromancer, or... something.
Maybe don't do it with -all- purchases, but perhaps some of the more outlandish/flambouyant ones.
Edited by ShedsHisTail on May 26, 2016 5:16PM "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
Have you seen the Twin Lamps?