Ahren Jebus- A Bound Gear Trader Merchant Concept

I propose the addition of a Bound Gear Merchant. Let's say he's a Khjaiit that goes by the name of Ahren Jebus and he has a small business that offers a very specific service. As you can tell, I'm all for a bit a meta-humor (like my concept of a horse that you can beat to test your damage, or an Auction "Horse" in lieu of an Auction house). He spends his spare time pilfering delves and dungeons to bring you the best gear possible. It's probably best to let him speak for himself. But first... a TL/DR

  • A merchant that sells all types of bound gear and accepts multiple pieces of bound gear that you do not want (along with an amount of gold for unbinding each piece of gear), in exchange for one piece of bound gear that you do want. The gear the merchant accepts is dependent on how rare the item is so the would never be a set price.

Ok.. Take it away Ahren.
Yes! Hello there. This one is humbled by the opportunity to speak with you. Jebus has spent his life perfecting his skills and has become quite adept at finding items which might allude lesser men. There is nothing this one cannot get his paws on, yet this one only deals in the most desired items. Khajiit is not interested in the garbage that can be found on the side of the road, hammered out by an amateur at a forge, or the broken armor worn by some filthy goblin or imp. Only the rarest and most valuable of wares are tempting enough for Jebus. From what Gidorick tells me, you are interested in the same. Perhaps Khajiit can offer his wares for some of yours.

Before this one offers his services to the warriors of Tamriel, Jebus' business practices must be understood. Khajiit is not merely interested in gold, and this one doesn't want pieces of rock found lying about Imperial City. This one is mostly interested in gear. The more rare the gear, the better.

You seemed concerned. Is this because gear is bound to you like pesky fleas? This is of no concern to Jebus. Throughout his travels, this one has come across a great many wonders, the likes of which you would not believe. Khajiit has means to take move the binding spell from one piece of gear to the next. Khajiit can take your, but the gear this one gives to you will become bound. Trade gear you do not want for gear you do want. This is a good deal. Is it not?

Of course, this one also needs gold for his services. After all, Khajitt needs gold for sko... er.. supplies. Yes, supplies. Ingredients and spices. Yes, that is what Khajiit needs.

So, to do business with Ahren Jebus you will need both bound gear and gold. Once you have these, it's time try to try to make a trade!
You must be wondering how a trade will work with Jebus. This is a understandable and it couldn't be easier!

Let's suppose you come to Jebus looking for a particular piece of gear. Of course, Jebus will have what you seek. This is not the question. The question is: will you have what Jebus seeks?

You will first tell this one what gear it is you desire. Then you will tell Khajiit what gear you are willing to part with in exchange for the gear. If the offer is enticing enough, this one will accept the trade. For each piece of gear Jebus must unbind from you, you will be charged a certain amount of gold. This amount may be 5,000 gold. Perhaps it is more. Perhaps it is less. This one has not yet decided on the exact price of the service.

As you can see, Jebus is quite eager to get working in Tamriel to help you procure the gear you desperately desire.

The most interesting aspect of this merchant would be the dynamic value assigned to the individual items. Jebus would use a rarity index to determine the rarity of each bound item. The more of an item that exists, the lower the item is on the rarity index. The lower the item is on the rarity index, the less valuable Jebus will find it.

This would mean that you may make a deal with Jebus one day, but the next day he may not make the same deal. He may not even agree to the same terms on the very next transaction. It's entirely dependent on the rarity index.

Unlike normal merchants, Ahren Jebus requires players choose all the gear they are willing to trade before they make their offer. Additionally, there is a cool down on making offers to Jebus. The cool down is arbitrary and serves the purpose of preventing players from spamming him with offers. Perhaps 3 hours would be enough of a cool down between offers.
This one's time is valuable, is it not? Jebus cannot wait around all day while you try to make up your mind or try to haggle. Khajiit accepts your offer or he does not. This one does not barter.

These restrictions make the system less predictable which means the player will have to make a continued effort to get the gear they want. This wouldn't be a simple merchant to swap gear but a gear swapping system.

So what do you think? Would you like this sort of bound-gear merchant mechanic? Would you be willing to relinquish multiple pieces of gear you don't need for one piece of gear that you do?
If the furless people of Tamriel have no interest in what this one is selling, Khajiit will simply travel the seas to Akavir. Jebus hears the snake men have no taste for his kind. This one has heard the moon-sugar diet makes for bitter meat.

He's crazy enough to do it too...

Edited by Gidorick on May 26, 2016 3:58PM
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  • Ra'Shtar
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • therrieur
    I say bring jebus, but make it so that he's in every dungeon instances, where he would only trade gear from that dungeon for gear from the same dungeon.
    Edited by therrieur on May 26, 2016 3:17AM
  • WldKarde
    Sometimes it's the craziest ideas that almost make the most sense!

    Another interesting concept @Gidorick

    And this one has "just" enough RNG goodness that I can see ZOS giving it a look ;)

    Always enjoy your your latest thoughts, and if Jebus were to actually make it into ESO....

    What the hell, I'd throw some business his way!
    PC NA
    Characters formally known as Veteran 16:
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    Dame WldKarde Stamplar "Master Angler" "Main" ,
    Shady WldKarde, WldKarde"s Bacon, Jaded WldKarde,
    River Wldkarde
    18 Master Anglers so far
    "Dames and Sirs, take my advice, pull down your pants...and slide on the ice!" Slightly adjusted quote of Dr. Sidney Friedman from M*A*S*H
  • Witar
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Let's say he's a Khjaiit that goes by the name of Ahren Jebus
    That's not a proper khajiit name. You should really give it more thought.

    It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
    It lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills,
    It comes first and follows after,
    Ends life, kills laughter.
  • Gidorick
    Witar wrote: »
    That's not a proper khajiit name. You should really give it more thought.

    Care to take a shot at the name @witar?

    I was going to go with RaNaar Ji'Bus

    But I decided the phonetic pun was the way to go. After all ESO had Khajiit makes that don't follow the regular naming conventions, like Aburapli, so I figured or was ok to make something up.

    I think Ahren Jebus is "khajiit-like" enough but I'm open to suggestions!

    I also like how you got hung up on that detail halfway through the second sentence. What did you think of the rest of the concept?
    Edited by Gidorick on May 26, 2016 1:41PM
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  • Tiphis
    I like the idea, would be nice for qol. As far as the name it's fine, if you want to get lorical he was adopted by a redguard family.
  • idk
    What is your point. Cannot read several walls of text but skimmed for something that summed things up. Did not find it.
  • Gidorick
    What is your point. Cannot read several walls of text but skimmed for something that summed things up. Did not find it.

    lol. Fair enough @Giles.floydub17_ESO , to be honest the post ended up MUCH longer than I anticipated it would be. I added a TL/DR for ya. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Bl00dE4gle
    I'll approve this 100%
    at least I may be lucky with my kena , but since there is not such a thing i still stuck to farm my 200+ runs of wgts
  • Gidorick
    Bl00dE4gle wrote: »
    I'll approve this 100%
    at least I may be lucky with my kena , but since there is not such a thing i still stuck to farm my 200+ runs of wgts

    Thanks @Bl00dE4gle , hopefully RNGeezus will be kind to you in the near future. If not, and ZOS is kind to us, perhaps Ahren Jebus can be kind to you in the future. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • waterfairy
    Edited by waterfairy on May 27, 2016 12:58AM
  • Gidorick
    heheh @Vigarr ...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Bl00dE4gle wrote: »
    I'll approve this 100%
    at least I may be lucky with my kena , but since there is not such a thing i still stuck to farm my 200+ runs of wgts

    I could see that maybe that's the reason ZOS doesn't want to do something like this @Bl00dE4gle ... because it would mean less runs. Of course, the rarity index would keep things interesting. The fact that it's not a set "price" for items would keep people guessing and keep them running to get enough armor for Ahren Jebus.

    It's about balance I think.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Tiphis wrote: »
    I like the idea, would be nice for qol. As far as the name it's fine, if you want to get lorical he was adopted by a redguard family.

    "Lorical"... that's a new one! I like it @Tiphis .

    To fit better into Khajiit naming expectations it could be Ah'Ren Jebus. That might help with the phonetics too. It's important it's pronounced R.N. and not like Arron.

    Edited by Gidorick on May 31, 2016 6:10AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    therrieur wrote: »
    I say bring jebus, but make it so that he's in every dungeon instances, where he would only trade gear from that dungeon for gear from the same dungeon.

    I dunno @therrieur , I like the idea of being able to cross-trade gear. You're thinking players shouldn't be able to get gear from dungeons they haven't run?

    Perhaps he could require at least ONE piece of gear be from the same set to "Prove" you have earned the right to wear this gear.

    Or he could just "know" if you have.

    "Jebus can tell you have not seen the same horrors that this one has. Khajiit will not trade that gear until you have earned the right to wear it."
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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